[Photo by Michael Sean Edwards]
There was an informal remembrance early yesterday afternoon in Tompkins Square Park for Tom Mulligan, a longtime East Village resident who died earlier this summer.

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]
Those who were in attendance said that a good number of people stopped by between 12:30 and 2:30...

[Photo by Steven]
As his longtime friend Michael Sean Edwards wrote on Thursday: "To many in the neighborhood, Mr. Mulligan was a distinctive presence, often seen in Tompkins Square Park ... reading The New York Times in the shade near Avenue B and Eighth Street."

[Photo by Steven]
Previously on EV Grieve:
Remembering Tom Mulligan
I wish I could have attended, but had to work. RIP Mr Mulligan. You will be missed.
He was benevolent.
I miss him.
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