EVG reader Roxanne Schwartz shared these photos... showing the coming soon signage up on the sidewalk bridge at 59 Second Ave. between Third Street and Fourth Street.
As noted in March, the owners of the two locations of Dim Sum Palace in Midtown are planning to open a similar establishment in the East Village.
Their extensive (and large!) menu is now up on the front window for inspection as well...

The owners were seeking a beer-wine license, though they withdrew before CB3's SLA committee meetings in March and April.
We had heard that there's opposition to a liquor license for the location, which, until October 2015, was home to Allied Hardware. The owners of the hardware store lost their lease after Icon Realty bought the property in early 2015.
I live in that building. Now it is essentially an Icon Realty dorm. The kids move out after a year or two because their "luxury" apartments spring leaks constantly due to the dishwashers, washing machines and often now that we have been "luxed", two bathrooms per apartment, have been added to ancient plumbing infrastructure and they have a hard time getting Icon in to do repairs. We miss Allied Hardware and all the artists and artisans (also missed) who used to frequent it. Amazing that Dim Sum Sam thought they could get a liquor license in such an over-saturated with bars area. Not looking forward to this restaurant at all.
Dim Sum Palace is actually very solid in Midtown. This should be a nice addition to the neighborhood, especially for those that don't want to brave the lines at Tim Ho Wan or venture down to Chinatown.
I am still befuddled that nothing was done or can be done to protect the neighborhood from the dormification, or should I say dormifuckation. Sigh.
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