Monday, June 18, 2012

Has Jane's Sweet Buns closed?

In the last few days, multiple readers passed along word that Jane's Sweet Buns on St. Mark's Place no longer appears to be in business. In early May, the sort of secret 10-seat bar called Proletariat opened in the back of the establishment at 102 St. Mark's Place.

Per a reader the other night: Went "to get some pastries and the shop wasn't open. Bartender at Proletariat said [Jane's] was closing due to poor sales."

We called the number for Jane's, but it has been temporarily disconnected. The shop was also closed during its announced hours of business this weekend. There aren't any notes about a closure on the Jane's website or Facebook page.

We emailed owner Ravi DeRossi for comment on Saturday morning to see what's officially happening with Jane's.

Meanwhile, Proletariat remains open for business.

Jane's Sweet Buns opened last July in the former De La Vega Museum space, selling a handful of desserts made with alcohol, such as the Rum Runner (a bun glazed in aged rum, Galliano liqueur and cinnamon, among other ingredients).

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] There's now a (sort of) secret beer bar behind Jane's Sweet Buns

Bakery opening on St. Mark's Place

Jane's Sweet Buns opens today at 2 on St. Mark's Place; features 'pastries inspired by cocktails'


abrod said...

Not surprising they had poor sales - curiosity got the better of me and I tried at least twice to buy one of these things, but each time they were out. Poor sales tend to happen when you only make a small batch of product on a daily basis... Take your hipster business model back across the river, maybe you can make money there.

glamma said...


Gojira said...

Like abrod, I went in several times to buy certain items they were always out of. If you don't care enough to have the stuff you promise, why should I care enough to buy from you?

East Village Eats said...

That was quick. I was always curious about the place but never felt the need to make a purchase. Puddin' next door always sucked me in.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss them. They were amazing.

Anonymous said...

Bummer. Those buns were really really good

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Proletariat approved by CB3 on the condition that JSB would still operate as a bakery? Was JSB a front the whole time? I bought a bun or two every so often. Very tasty and packaging was great, but they were basically fancier Cinnabuns and I felt pretty gross/guilty after eating them.

esquared™ said...

baited and switched

NYGRUMP said...

it would be a "bait and switch" if CB3 wasn't in on it with "a wink and a nod", this is their current tactic to continue loonbergs' chemical warfare against the East Village residents, all alcohol, all the time.

Marty Wombacher said...

In answer to your headline question, I would guess that only her proctologist knows for sure.

esquared™ said...


Imma miss Jane's sweet buns, nonetheless...

Anonymous said...

Bring back De La Vega!

Mr. Mister said...

So, in light of this, can Puddin' be long for this 'hood?

Anonymous said...

Might have been good, but honestly the embarrassing name turned me off.

- EV

bayou said...

There is a sign on the door that apologizes for the inconvenience (!?) but they are renovating their buns. Proletariat remains open for fancy drinks.

Bowery Boogie said...
