Saturday, May 18, 2013

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Ah! What's this? A street fair? On Third Avenue? Yes, indeed!

The street fair runs from East 14th Street down to the Cape May Bird Observatory East Sixth Street... Will be a shitshow pause at St. Mark's Place and Third Avenue when the Dance Parade goes by...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!


Anonymous said...

Topic: these street fairs are neither street nor fair. Discuss!

Anonymous said...

Oh and hear! hear! for the timing of today's fiesta. They are trying to empty out the dorms today as well, and what a circus of double and triple-parked cars on 12th Street. And yep, they are double-parked in front of the Citibike Kiosks! Yippie! Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of stupid things our government sponsors that may have some supporters on both sides of the debate (see, e.g., those who support bike share so long as that 100 foot rack in not in front of their door), but I know of absolutely no one who has ever defended these street fairs, or thought them to have any redeeming quality whatsoever. How long do we have to endure operating our streets for the benefit of people who do not live here?

Anonymous said...

I waited an hour at 10th and D for the M14 today. Eventually I gave up and walked to the 2nd Ave F stop. Ridiculous.

Mark Hand The Catchman said...

I just don't understand why it was in third ave, why not fourth? Not that its a redundant, but third is much more of a major avenue
And again just like a couple of weeks ago on second avenue, absolutely nothing new.

Uncle Waltie said...

Any of the non-food items they sell there I probably could get for 20% less at K-Mart. There once was a time when one could find some unusual stuff on street fairs, but those days are long gone.

Jill said...

Before boarding the M14 at Union Square, the bus driver got out of his seat, approached the door and lectured us that "the streets are crowded so there will be no special stops." Everyone at once asked, "What's a special stop? What does that mean?" He sat down, we boarded and proceeded as usual.