New Corner Magazine (or King's Magazine), the longtime newsstand on St. Mark's Place at Third Avenue, is currently closed for renovations.

Said a distraught resident yesterday: "Workers are tearing the place apart; the guts are on the sidewalk."
We checked in with the building's landlord, who said that the space will remain a newsstand, though there will be "an upgrade in the operator and the space."
We always rather liked the old space…

[Via Yelp]
I used to buy my girlie magazines in there when I was 16 in the 60's-before the internet it was the place.
oh fuck. i liked it the way it was.
I wonder if they'll really be a newsstand. Notice that the new one around the corner on 3rd is already gone...
To all the oddball people who are inexplicably annoyed by our beloved newsstands: that's 2 newsstands on the same street that have been closed down in just the last month. Are you happy now? I didn't think so.
This place used to rent out a tiny little closet-sized niche in the storefront to a DJ who sold pirated mixtape CDs, and he would blast his music so loud you could hear it over on Broadway. I just wish he was still there to welcome the Death Star tenants to their new neigborhood.
i liked it the way it was, too. and those guys who worked there were always so patient and nice with everyone.
They'll tart it up and sell all sorts of shit no real person would ever need, is my prediction. Goodbye, yet another little piece of the puzzle that was old New York...you were lovely in your cluttered splendor...
I used to buy cigarettes from these guys in the 90's when I was in high school when I was on my way to Coney Island High or the Continental for shows. And I miss that guy with the loud ass mixtapes there on third avenue too. Pass this place every day but haven't been inside in a long while.
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