[Photo by EVG reader Marc]
Workers finally removed the plywood from outside David Schwimmer's new place over on East Sixth Street yesterday.
By last evening, a reader noted a new, temporary (unless he's opening a shitty club here) fence was in place…

Neighbor Michael Hirsch heard from someone official involved with the new home that workers will be erecting "a historically acceptable" fence … something similar to the gate outside the synagogue a few doors away…

In addition, Michael heard that the city is expected to issue the final Certificate of Occupancy next week. The temporary CofO on file with the city currently shows one dwelling unit ...

… which may shoot down some theories readers had about the building being chopped into four separate residences. Still doesn't explain the four doors, though.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Is David Schwimmer the 'Friends' star who now owns the demolished 331 E. Sixth St. townhouse?
Outrage over total demolition of historic East Sixth Street townhouse
Here is David Schwimmer's East Village home
So I'm wrong - they're all service entrances. We must not allow upstairs people mixing with the downstairs people. You got one service entrance for coal delivery and slops removal, and another for the butler and maid, and another for the footman and manservant, and then the main door for the Important Ones. This fence sounds really great, we can never have enough fences and walls!
What a hideous building. Pretentious and out of scale with the neighborhood, and full of faux-historic detailing.
I never watched Friends so have no idea how many principal characters there were, but maybe it's one door for each of 'em when they come to visit?
Honestly this building doesn't look as bad as half the crap that goes up in the neighborhood these days. Multiple doors or not, gates or not, at least it blends in with the other buildings on the block.
Yeah, I am certainly not a fan of this thing, but the feigned outrage is just too thick (and really fucking boring) at this point.
This building is a thousand times better than most new construction in this neighborhood (townhouse at 4th-B)
But Yeah, I get it… It's Ross. OK.
Greive, I love this blog. Now move the fuck on. I'm sure you can find some stories of real architectural desecration if you want.
I think there were six friends, so Ross is 2 doors short of a Friends reunion, or maybe some of them are using the back door? Just sayin'...
I actually think the building looks great and blends in well with the neighborhood. It looks like it belongs there and isn't a glass tower so thank god for that.
You guys are missing the point. It doesn't matter how good the house looks because a rich person is living in it. Therefore, the neighborhood is being torn asunder.
Haha a door for each Friend, brilliant! Maybe Chandler and Monica share a door. And Ross is already inside.
This looks so much better than all the glass box apts. If he wanted a gated home he should've moved to Hollywood though...
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