The David addition arrived at this Bowery street sign at Bleecker yesterday afternoon...

Not sure at this moment who's taking credit for this... There was a similar David Bowery tribute on the Bowery and East Houston in January 2016 after Bowie's death...
How in the hell is "David Bowery" supposed to pay tribute to David Bowie? Well-meaning but moronic.
Doesn't it make more sense to add a "David" between Great and Jones a block away?
I'm truly humbled by this clever act of creativity.
Agree, Bowie lived in NY at the end of his life incognito. He was not into getting NY media. He was living a pretty normal family life here with little fanfare. There is little point to altering signs over this. That said, this little David sign looks like it is duct taped to the real sign and is easily removable, no harm no foul.
Donnie nailed it, although I think Bowie lived in the city a lot longer in Soho.
Sure the sign is harmless, but it's straight up stupid. Not only is Bowery not even close to his iconic name but he lived on Lafayette.
Hi. I am the one doing this. It has nothing to do with David Bowie. David is my name also. I put up different signs with my name on them in different places.
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