A friend recently made me aware of the existence of the
Vegan Bowery Burger at Whole Foods. (I realize these things aren't
new to me.) So, for the sake of
investigative journalism, I went over to Whole Foods on Houston and Bowery to check them out. (And are these just specific to this location? Are there, say, Union Square Burgers at the 14th Street location.) To my
good fortune, they were in stock at the deli counter. They go for $7.99 a pound. I've never ordered veggie burgers by the pound. So I asked for three. To my amazement, they came to $7.99. (So next time someone asks me how much a pound weighs...)

I'm not much of a foodie. The burgers tasted pretty good (couldn't even detect the mustard powder), though I recommend that you eat them with heaping piles of cheese and bacon.
Now! To more important matters. How to market the Vegan Bowery Burger!
First! We need some 1970s-style Bowery street cred...
Gabba gabba yum!
...some hotties in Bowery wear...
Let me see that fake beef!
We have your Vegan Bowery Burger bitches!
And a celebrity spokesperson....
Beep, beep! Delivery for Mr. Moby!
Then we'll raise the price to $17.99 a pound. See you at DBGB, suckers!
ha, great post.
That made me chuckle.
loaded with sugar in its various chemical forms doesn't spell "vegan" to me...
I recommend eating these while reading the Blah Blog Blah post on the real estate broker...
@Dan LD — Thanks!
@BoweryBoogie If you were vegetarian, then would we call you Vegan BoweryBoogie?
@Goggla Ha! I loved that post.
What Ken Mac said.
are you going through a bout of insomnia?
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