By James Maher
Name: Terry
Occupation: Factory Worker
Location: 6th Street and 2nd Avenue
Time: 12:15 on Monday, April 29
I’m coming from Social Tees [Animal Rescue]. I know the owner since it’s where I take my other four cats. Right now I have an apartment in Crown Heights and I heard [the kitten] crying there for three days. I thought he was a bird and I couldn’t find him at first.
He’s a baby. The mother left him. His eye was shut so I took him upstairs and flushed it with hot water and then I gave him some Amoxicillin. I don’t know why but something told me to give him that for the infection. And then I gave him some stuff for his eye.
My family is Basque. They come from the Pyrenees mountain from Spain and France. I'm from 7th Street and Avenue B. I’m 60 years old. This is where I’m from. I’ve been all around the Lower East Side. I‘ve lived in other places but this has always been home.
I mostly worked in factories. I put together costume jewelry. It was no big thing. I worked in publishing. I write and I used to write a lot of poetry. I even tried acting school.
My whole family was down here. They never left. This was my real family, but when I was young I was given to foster parents in the Bronx and I got raped and beat up and all of that by them. I’ve suffered.
I’ve been in the streets most of my life. I had my friends and my family around here, but I didn’t go to my family. I don’t know how I survived. I hardly ate. I wouldn’t ask anybody for anything. I was too traumatized. People would come and bring my food and I would shake in my boots because I didn’t want anybody to touch me. And I didn’t know how to ask for help.
So I started hanging out with gay people. They were accepting. But I was never gay. They just assumed I was. I was always very quiet or sad. I was never talkative. I don’t know how to tell you how I went through all that trauma and survived it.
I think it has a lot to do with being Basque. Our history is very interesting. When I say I’m Basque to somebody that knows what it is they go, “What?” We’re cavemen — all the way from the caves.
I tried drugs in my 30s. I started late. Before that I was just trying to get through my own trauma. I was lucky I started late or I would’ve been dead. I’ve never seen so many weird people in my life. I’ve seen rock stars; I’ve seen movie stars come here — all that stuff. I remember the lines around the block for drugs. People just didn’t care I guess. It was wild; it was a wild town.
The cat is fine. He’s fighting. If I let him walk, he’ll walk all over me, but I can’t yet because I don’t want him to get sick. I know what it’s like to suffer and that’s why I like to rescue things. It’s to be human.
James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.
This is an absolutely beautiful piece. What a wonderful man who has been through so much yet so humble and kind. We need more people like him in this world.
Thanks Anon - She was a really beautiful and kind person.
A beautiful person. "It's to be human." Beautiful words. Thank you, Terry and James.
Wow, this was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. Great work, as always, James! Best of luck to you, Terry!
Thanks James.
And Terry, hope you find the peace of mind that you deserve.
Much love.
Beautiful piece. We need more personal stories told.Thanks for your good work.
I can't get enough of these James Maher features. The people in this city are its pulse. This story was beautiful.
All the pointless bickering about that not-even-going-to-mention-it is overshadowing this beautiful story and post; a post and person with a heart and soul. Now, this is going out and about in the EV.
this guy's "beautiful" because he likes kittens? Some folks are too busy working and raising kids to do what this guy does. Those people are "beautiful" too.
Anon at 11:26:
I think they were saying that Terry is beautiful, not because she is rescuing kittens, but because it is movng to see how we move forward, through pain and suffering and keep trying. How a broken heart tries to mend itself. Just getting through another day of work and going home to raise your kids is enough of a struggle in itself. I am sure you are beautiful too!
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