Someone broke the front window and burglarized C&B Cafe on Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B last night... another local small business that was targeted overnight.
Owner Ali Sahin documented the damaged in an Instagram clip this morning. He will have to remain closed today.
UGH. I just volunteered at this place to make food for people in Queens. Fuck that noise.
their gofundme (created for a different purpose, but...) is still live.
I watched the looting until about 1:30 in Soho this morning. Cars with plates from NJ and NY would arrive and drop off 3-4 people, they worked in teams, entering buildings, dropping looted stuff outside which was then moved up the street, stripped of packaging and then put in cars. There were 100's of people at work. The Fire Dept would run engines with full sirens through the mobs which would scatter and then go right back to work. The mob did NOT not start fires inside buildings. I heard one looter threaten to shoot a guard and his dog at the boarded up Louis Vitton but most people were happy and not evil. I don't think there have ever been so many people of color in Soho at one time ever.
Ali is one of the neighborhood's good guys. Buy his wonderful sourdough when he's back.
There are peaceful protests slated for East 9th & Ave D tonight at 6, but it could turn as it gets closer to nightfall. Stay safe, All!
Yep all the looting is the work of thieves taking advantage of someone else's struggle they could give a hoot about the cause and racial justice
These are professional thieves doing this matching outfits and all. They have nothing to do with the protests which have been great for the most part.
The disgraceful vandalism has NOTHING to do with justice. The Port Authority needs to check ID's of every car & truck coming into NYC after 2pm each day, and check the trunk, too. These are organized theft rings taking advantage of lockdown + protests as cover for their theivery.
My heart goes out. I am not a law and order person left wondering how we can stop destruction the city does not need. I am too far from C&B to come by and glad the GoFundMe campaign is still running.
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