Yes, as the headline states: Today is the deadline to request your absentee ballot for this month’s primaries on June 23.
To prevent the community spread of COVID-19, all registered voters — courtesy of the Governor’s Executive Order 202.15 — may apply for an absentee ballot.
You may put in the request at this link.
Per the instructions:
If you are affected by COVID-19, please check the box for “Temporary Illness” on the application. The definition has been temporarily expanded to include those affected by COVID-19 and/or the potential of contracting the virus.
Also! The website can be used only by registered New York City voters to apply for an absentee ballot for the June 23, 2020 elections.
Meanwhile, polls remain open through June 21 for early voting. Find a voting guide here.
Vote early, vote often....
I used the website this AM. So easy.
Mailed mine in about 3 weeks ago, still no ballot. Will it come in time?
My spouse and I each sent in an application for an absentee ballot about 2 weeks ago and we also have not gotten anything back in the mail. Spouse gave up and did early voting over on Avenue B. I am still waiting, and will vote in person if I have to on June 23rd.
This does NOT bode well for voting-by-mail in November!
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