The storefront on the southwest corner of Bond and the Bowery has sat empty since the Washington Mutual closed up in March 2009 ... the space has gone though an assortment of brokers...
Previously, the space was "the new intersection of cool."
It was also a photogenic intersection for Bringing it On...

And most recently — a pitstop for Claire Forlani's disembodied scotch ad hands...
Now, there's a new listing at RKF for the corner space... say hello to "the new 328 Bowery ... where Bowery meets Bond" ...

...and your upscale neighbors...

No word on asking rents. The listing does note that an "all new storefront [will] be delivered Summer 2013."
Meanwhile, last call for our Bowery-Bond nickname to take off — BowBo.
Those lorem & ipsum pants never fit right in the crotch.
Asking $300 per square foot.
how about "boo boo" for what they have done to this area
Maybe just Bobo
What an awful and cheap looking building, looks like it was slapped together and belongs in downtown Jersey City. No wonder it's cursed, by the spirits of the buildings torn down to make room for this turd. Perfect location for a Subway or a 7-11 haha.
The new intersection of cool? HAHAHA ok Dad, whatever you say.
The space doesn't work for much. The layout of the columns within is without comprehension. Don't know where it was that the.architect was trained. Either they need their diploma back or they need to cease instruction. When you build from scratch and get what they got, then a refund is due- I do miss the gas station
There are some really wonderful buildings right around there -- this ain't one of them.
Anon. 11:49 -- I miss the gas station, too. And all I ever used it for was the pay phone.
Burn it to the ground I say.
Oh. This is on the south side of the street. So it should be SoBowBo.
they should give the mess to d&d salvage (on the block for years)
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