But first! The meeting is Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. … at the CB3 office, 59 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery…
To date, not much is known about some of these applicants … so we'll just have to randomly speculate!

[132 St. Mark's Place]
Applications within Saturated Areas
• To be Determined, 132 St Marks Pl (op)
Empellón chef Alex Stupak plans to open his third restaurant at this location. The Sushi Lounge closed at the end of October.
• Swauto Ltd, 25 Ave A (op/alt/convert part of basement to lounge with additional bar)
Looks like 2A has some expansion plans…
• To be Determined, 511 E 6th St (op)
This is the former Identity Bar and Lounge, which closed back in October.
• Wafels & Dinges (Degeest LLC), 15 Ave B (wb)
• Love Craft, Johnny Favorite's (Sunrise Shadow LLC), 240 E 4th St (aka 50 Ave B) (op)
There appears to be a new player interested in the former Affaire space on Avenue B… some residents weren't too keen on the previous applicant who wanted to open Brownstone Bar and Grill.
Paperwork on file at the CB3 website lists the applicant as Mario Yagubi, owner of a boxing promotional group, as well as 1849 Restaurant, Bar and Parlor on Bleecker Street.
Here is a promotional flyer for 1849's weekend dance parties:

• Everyman Espresso LLC, 136 E 13th St (wb/include alcohol service in theater)

• Brazen Fox Kitchen & Craft Beer (106 3rd Ave NYC Inc), 106 3rd Ave (aka 145 E 13th St) (op/2nd Fl outdoor deck in back)
The new bar-restaurant at East 13th Street … we recall that some neighbors had issues with the previous tenant, Friend House… we attended a CB3/SLA meeting where residents complained about late-night noise from the second-floor bar … but those were different operators, of course …
New Liquor License Applications
• 9 East First Street LLC, 9 E 1st St (upgrade to op)
The former Veselka Bowery space. Eater and Grub Street previously reported that restaurateur John McDonald signed a lease for a steakhouse/oyster place here. This was a scratch from a previous month.
• To be Determined, 325 Bowery (op)
This is the address of Peels… wonder what's going on here… the building was sold last summer for more than $9 million.
• Il Posto Accanto (And Another One Inc), 190 E 2nd St (op)
• Farfasha (Entrez Bar & Grill Inc), 162 2nd Ave (upgrade to op)
• Feast (Two Guize LLC), 102 3rd Ave (upgrade to op)
• Moonstruck (88 2nd Ave Food Corp), 88 2nd Ave (op)
• Robataya (America Ootoya Inc), 231 E 9th St (upgrade to op)
• Mei E Iron Sushi 38 Inc, 212 E 10th St (wb)
• To be Determined, 600 E 14th St (op)
Hmmm… this is AlphaBet Cafe at Avenue B, which has had problems of late with gas and the DOH… appears something new is in the works here.
• 279 E Houston Corp, 279 E Houston St (wb)
This is a vacant storefront between Suffolk and Clinton that last housed some kind of boutique, right?
b=beer only | wb=wine & beer only | op=liquor, wine, & beer | alt=alterations
What is an "op" and what is an "upgrade to op"? and while we are at it, what is "wb"?
how many of these "upgrades" to a full liquor license had signed some sort of stipulation or had complaints?
happy new year.
Brazen Fox was one of the Santa Con official bars! Fuck 'em!
@ anon 9:17
The explanation is at the bottom of the post...
b=beer only | wb=wine & beer only | op=liquor, wine, & beer | alt=alterations
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