EVG reader Sam shares this with us today from over on East 13th Street at Avenue A... someone left a sign painted in blood red that reads: "TO THE MAYor REMOVE All "CiTi BiKES" BoycoTT CiTy BAnK." The other homemade sign reads: "CitiBank is responsible for all CitiBikes To be put in here. Stop Them Call 311 To Complain." There is a signature on that sign, though it's tough to make out the name.

Oh, and someone put a large piece of dog poop on the first docking station in the row...

Larry Watson, owner of Percy's Tavern on the corner, cleaned off the poop this afternoon. Read that here.
it's sad that someone has nothing better to do than to actually pick up dog poop and put it on something that other people might want to use. I just signed up for an annual membership. Even though I have my own bike, I plan to use the share bikes to augment my own bike use, for instance if its raining when I leave the house for work and I take the train instead, but sunny on the way back, I can use a share bike. I got my annual membership for $60 - discounted because I'm a member of the Lower Eastside People's Federal Credit Union. I hope I don't have to encounter dog shit if i want to bike home from work.
@1:53 PM:
I totally agree with you. Childish and stupid behavior. And so fucking what if Citi sponsors it? As was pointed out here, Barclays sponsors in London and no one gives a shit over there...also, thanks for pointing out that discount as I am a member too and didn't know about it.
What makes you so sure it's dog poop?
@ DrGecko
It tasted like it!
Could it be dog shit or... did someone actually stand over it and go for gold?
Regardless if you're that against Citibike to either put shit or shit on the bike rack, maybe there are better things to do with your time. Help the homeless, actually go and try to meet the elected officials regarding Citibike.
Shitting on something just makes everyone go against your cause. We're more civilized than this... I hope.
What a thoughtful way to express your displeasure.. By making some poor worker clean up dog shit from the bike rack.
Amateur Anarchists. Pathetic.
@EV Grieve
That, sir, is dedication to craft!
the thing that is amazing they haven't notice the advertisements on all the Buses stops?
I wish someone would tell them G.G. Allin is dead (and good riddins)!
Whoever this lone hero is, I applaud you. When shit (pun intended) pisses you off in this city, you should do more than stupid notes. I for one, hope graffiti artists get all over these bike rackets. This is how NY is suppose to react to such stupid agendas.
The irrational vitriol directed to this program makes little to no sense. I'll be calling 311 to let them know how much I appreciate the bike docks on 13th Street
To all the people bitching, I know it upsets you that your neighbors have the guts to stand up to this corporate/gentrification nonsense, while you passively accept being a tool for people screwing all of us. You haters are like the loyalists in the revolutionary war. Your fear of authority makes you obey, but your all gonna look like scabs and sellouts if we ever win the good fight. Poop isn't much but it's a start! Resist corporate rule! Smash yuppie scum!
These Citibike rentals are solar powered.
I bet they wouldn't work if some graffitists spray-painted that tall black solar panel.
Where the fuck did all you kool aid drinking cupcake loving pro corporate drones come from? Youre all a bunch of pod people hypnotized by this Citi Bank scam. Clearly, you're not long time residents of the East Village or you'd be applauding the shit on these racks. I fucking hate what this neighborhood has become and the passive law abiding robots who live here. Yes, HATE.
Hey native:
Direct your energy in more productive way.
It's a bikeshare program with a corporate sponsor - so what. Doesn't make anyone a corporate tool for riding a bike. And if you have a problem with "corporations," cut yourself off from anything electronic and go live in the woods and eat insects since that's the only way you are going to avoid corporations. If not, you're a selective hypocrite.
Pitiful, all of you! Sorry to revive an old 80s slogan but how about get a life. Opposing bikeshare, I get it, but all this rhetoric comparing the situation to some kind of war or oppression it just makes you sound like a caricature of a first-class first-world whiner.
"Clearly, you're not long time residents of the East Village or you'd be applauding the shit on these racks."
I've viewed decades of increased car ownership in this neighborhood. Where were you protesting the related money going to international energy companies that wreck our environment and car companies that ship jobs to less than minimum wage locales? Some of us worked to curtail this behavior, others (you?) continue to support policies that funnel money into third-world industrialists and denialists, not to mention pollute the EV. So don't try to give us shit about not being too worked up about a bike share, even if it does have CITI stamped on the side of each bike.
Maybe if they were stamped "Ford" or "Exxon" you would be supportive.
maybe you mean
to craft? Right? Right?
This is not apartheid! Sheesh!
If your against corporate sponsorship from Citi, simply boycott. Or work towards alternative funding. These acts highlighted are childish and do nothing.
For most, CitiBike will be very beneficial, a new way to get around. An option for transportation, filling gaps. I already signed up because cabs are very expensive and mass transit is sometimes unreliable or a long detour. Bicycle is one of the fastest ways around town. Our roads and rails are overcapacity. Creating an alternative benefits all!
Shitibike share
When I was attending meeting for Citizen Defending Public Libraries in Brooklyn Heights, and rally, I noticed that how CitiBike stations are close to each other.
I agreed it will take up some parking spaces and have trouble for some restaurant business.
When I looked at CitiBike Map, it doesn't make sense to put CitiBike stations so close to each other in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
SHITI-BIKE indeed!
The shit has literally hit the fan, or the stand, or the mothership docking port, or whatever it is. This just proves how really hard it is to find a decent bathroom in NYC. Anyone who is surprised this is happening in the East Village needs to return home to Generica, USA immediately.
I don't care who subsidizes these bikes. It helps promote a healthy living and is good for the environment. Europe has had this program for almost 20 yrs. It's about time a city like NY caught up with the times. All those haters out there sipping their $4 coffee, carrying $600+ iphone, wearing God awful skinny jeans, you have no idea how dumb you sound. Try actually having lived in an era of real struggle and movements such as civil rights movements, women's movement, vietnam war. Entitled generation B(ums)!
Citibike is an eyesore. Most of the bike lanes are just green paint on the side of a car lane. The city wasnt designed to be overcrowded with novice bike riders. And what's this have to do with vietnam. I believe we still have racism and war. Didn't realize the struggle was over....
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