Unfortunately, Oleg, who has owned the bakery with his wife Tetyana since the 1990s, told EVG contributor Derek Berg yesterday that the landlord has ended the lease. The bakery must be out by early June.
A bakery has stood here the past 87 years.
And what will be taking the bakery's space? Some kind of smoothie/juice shop.
Perhaps Oleg will, in fact, start that delivery service.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: 9th St. Bakery is closing after 87 years (59 comments)
[Photo by Derek Berg]
Wish they could take the Something Sweet space, or do some kind of joint venture with its current proprietor...
End of an era. Thanks to Oleg and Tetyana for keeping the flame burning. I hope they can find another place, and let us all know where it is. Sad day.
Great, this is precisely what the neighborhood needs! Fruit smoothies! Yaaaay! Who needs yummy baked goods, friendly proprietors and decades-long history when there's money to be made off of - FRUIT SMOOTHIES?!?!?
The first poster might be onto something with the idea of them joining forces with the people at Something Sweet.
This is plainly UNACCEPTABLE. These are such wonderful folks, always a kind word, and such delicious Old World baked goods. What has become of our building owners when they value money over EVERYTHING? This just makes me crazy!!!!
There really should be rent protections in place for businesses. It's a must if you want to keep any mom and pop shops and any sense of diversity in the city. The landlords and developers are getting rich while everyone else, including all kinds of business owners, are being pushed out.
While I generally find most RE developers oafish, uncultured brutes, please stop blaming them for rising rents. They are doing what is in their best interest, just like anybody else.
Blame the Byzantine tax system that rewards landlords who keep a portion of their portfolio priced in the stratosphere and vacant. Blame students with subsidized lifestyles care of the bank/government student loan racket. Blame shitty taste palates that prefer Magnolia sandpaper cupcakes. Blame the government for bailing out banks, which in turn created a bailout shield protecting Manhattan from the ravages of the Great Recession, and turned New York City into a refuge and capital preservation destination for the world's tax evaders, slave-populated factory owners, and other vile examples of inhumanity.
The developers live within the great trends, hey do not define them. You see developers benefiting from the last 20 years of a bullish New York and bullish NY RE market. Talk to someone who was renting storefronts between 1960 and 1980. The trends back then were quite different, and the developers suffered then a much as they benefit now - if not more so.
@ L'Emmerdeur - well said - pretty much nailed it on the head with your post. Sad but true... Money valued over everything - EVERYTHING. No soul, nothing about people - just consume consume consume. Hope many people read your words and realize what has killed this city's character and personality.
What a sad, sad day. It gets really depressing here. Please post more details about Oleg's delivery service when it's about to come alive. I'd like to join, not only for the best 6 grain in town.
That's very sad. I have happy memories of this bakery.
Satan will be ice-skating in a frozen-over hell before I set foot in this vile little replacement to a wonderful, unique business. Like the EV really needs another juice bar...
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