Yesterday, EVG regular Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C spotted this Saabsicle and several other cars frozen to the ground on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B… apparently the result of a crack in the street the city won't bother to repair.
Despite the predicament that these drivers found themselves in (Hi, do you have a blowtorch that I can borrow?), the city reportedly handed out parking tickets to the owners of these cars.
Per the Post:
A street leak frozen by this week’s bone-chilling “polar vortex” trapped cars parked on East 12th Street near Avenue A, where residents were forced to sit in cars or risk getting a fine [this] morning.
Some drivers were handed $65 tickets — which neighbors called just plain cold-hearted.
“I couldn’t get my car out right away and when I told them that they were like, ‘I already started writing the ticket,” said David Griffith, a 29-year-old, who works in the nightlife biz.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Saabsicle discovery this morning on East 12th Street
big surprise here (NOT). when i first moved to NYC i still had my car and put it in a lot where there was a sign that said "BACK IN 90," which i ignorantly assumed meant 90 minute parking. apparently that means back your car in at a 90-degree angle (WTF?) so i got a ticket for parking my car NOT in the wrong space, but for the car facing the wrong direction (because it matters). fuck you, you assholes.
So you didn't notice that your car was facing the opposite way from everyone else? Or noticed and just didn't care? Back-in parking creates more parking spots in less space (on streets wide enough to accommodate it), but reversing out of a side-on spot is dangerous to cyclists and other drivers, so if you parked nose-in you'd be creating a hazard and if you parked parallel to the sidewalk you'd be taking up two or three spots. No other asshole here but you, I'm afraid.
new boss same as the old boss.
clearly de blase o doesnt really care about the little people
Yeah kinda agree with Eddie. Parking ass in is a no brainer, and I don't even drive.
Hey if the police really want to attempt to begin doing the job that they are in fact take an oath to do maybe they could begin enforcing the parking laws against the multitude of taxi drivers just round the corner on E. 11 who violate the law to eat and pray - but oh yeah the special operations officer over at the 9th says their not going to stop them from praying - so all that we need to tell Mr. Deblasio from now on is sorry we're praying, we have the right to violate the law in this case. Bibles are now the required accompanyment on road trips through the city!! Sorry, can't move, don't give me a ticket - I'm reading my Bible! Mr.D, welcome to the party
First of all, the guy's been in office for 9 days. Parking enforcement is probably not his first concern. Second of all, parking enforcement are not police officers. As far as I know, they can't ticket moving drivers in the same way (correct me if I'm wrong).
What's a moving driver who's parked?
S someone needs to read the details of what Police are actually responsible for one of those responsibilities is in keeping the peace by enforcing laws equally across the board to ALL individuals. They are in fact required to enforce parking laws. It's an interesting thing also that a workman,, delivery driver and anyone of the likis ite can receive any number of parking violations without question. Why is it that cab drivers possess some kind of immunity from violation? Cab drivers can sweep across three lanes of moving traffic in order to pick up a fare, they can run into a woman on the sidewalk and cause her leg to be amputated, they can use excessively speed throughout the city taking out bus stops and storefronts when running up on the sidewalks, and Oh yes they can park in violation wherever they like without receiving a ticket! I want that immunity how much is it again to destroy the lives and peace of others?
Its called life in a Plutocracy.
Wealth by yellow? I say chicken skin! For the police - they're afraid of these people that's what it comes down to. Wealth to anarchy, sounds like a good plan ;-)
Did you hear about the one where a cab driver brought out a 24" machette to slash 4 tires of a car who wouldn't give up a space he had been waiting for to a cab driver who thought he could take it from this individual to go pray? That's what the police are afraid of if you thought they would actually put their lives on the line in order to protect you or me, you would find yourself in the wrong. The only thing they're looking for is their paycheck and their pension. Who could blame them it's a great racket the police and the government are the new mafia. Who was it Gambino or Luciano who started working with the feds to move things along the docks during the war? The old man should have stayed in jail rather then revieling the tactics and strategies to the feds because you know what happens when you give up something you know the next sob down the line takes over - that's where we are today, welcome to your New World Order
@anonymous 1:00 A.M. : I going to take a wild guess and say that the taxis illegally parked every day around the a Mosque on 11th Street are reading Korans and not Bibles. Good luck trying to get the city to enforce that one.
Those parking tickets were issued not issued by cops. But facts never stopped a good rant.
I parked my truck and went to the muni meter to get a parking receipt -- the city ticket agent watched me put my card into the meter machine, and walked over to ticket my truck while I was still paying the meter.
I pulled into the driveway of the time warner center, and was waiting while security checked under my truck with a mirror -- while this was happening, a city cop slapped a ticket on my truck for blocking the driveway.
City cop told me to pull over into a no standing zone so he could check my license and paperwork -- while he was going thru my permits, a traffic agent ticketed my truck for being in the no standing zone. Cop looked at me and said, 'did that really just happen?"
Was in a line of 10 other truck waiting to go into radio city music hall -- the cops ticketed us all for double parking.
Saw a guy get into his car on Avenue C, start it up and put his seatbelt on -- cop stops him as he's pulling out and writes him a seatbelt ticket because he started the car before putting his seatbelt on.
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