The northwest corner of Third Avenue and East 10th Street sported some a fine moat of muck…

…the northeast corner of Avenue A and East Second Street could have been a contender… However, the fellows at Ave. A Deli & Food fashioned this footbridge for pedestrians…

One EVG Facebook friend said that the guys from the deli "were standing outside grinning at all of us who found it so helpful and nice."
And THAT, friends, is why you should patronize local stores instead of chains. They look out for us.
Nice action shot in #4 Grieve. & a belated Happy Chinese New Year to the Arrows!
Thank you Makeout! Happy Year of the Arrows to you too!
I walked all over town yesterday, through lakes of slush, and that was the ONLY thoughtful gesture I saw from any shopkeepers in the entire city. Literally the only one.
Let me add that the fellows who work in there have been beyond charming to me - absolutely sweet gentlemen, very much in sync with the vibe of the neighborhood, not condescending or judgmental or dismissive of eccentricity, and very quick with a sincere smile and a joke. My only complaint is that they don't sell ham. :)
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