[Photo of the Williamsburg Bridge by Bobby Williams]
Victim of East 7th Street burglary discusses the incident (CBS 2)
More about "LES is More: Stories of Growing Up on the Lower East Side" happening tonight (DNAinfo)
Just a few more days to see the work of Richard Hambleton at Dorian Grey Gallery on East 9th Street (Dorian Grey)
At last, a hawk update from Tompkins Square Park (Gog in NYC)
Katz's unleashes the "Roast Beast Sandwich" (The Lo-Down)
New FDR overpass at East Houston Street (BoweryBoogie)
Tenement history at 342 E. 11th St. (Off the Grid)
Stories of drastic evolution in NYC neighborhoods includes short essays from Jeremiah Moss and EVG, among many others (Curbed)
Speaking of which: St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral School will go condo (Daily News)
The restaurant reviewer at The New York Times likes Tuome on East 5th Street (The New York Times)
Save Cafe Edison! (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
Patti Smith and Jim Carroll at the gate (Flaming Pablum)
Why not?! Photos of a 12-year-old Christopher Walken dressed as a clown (Dangerous Minds)
And tomorrow night ... This local arts performance series is re-igniting again: The Spotlight Speakeasy at the Sanctuary on East Sixth Street from 9-11:30 p.m.
Artists performing:
YOKKO [Butoh dance]
TAMAR [Western Swing/Jazz]
And FINALLY … an answer to a question that has been nagging at us over at 51 Astor Place…

Probably a Chase Private Money Pit
Nice shot Bobby, love the WB, it does not get the respect that it should.
That blue light is Watson.
As I said earlier - Watson. Nothing to see here, no megalomaniac artificial intelligence here, move along...nothing to see....
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