Greg Matherly at Reciprocal Skateboards passes along these photos of a new mural that has arrived on East 11th Street (alongside Eleven Consignment Boutique) at First Avenue ...
Not quite sure what it is from the photos... but apparently the guys in the Halal truck on the corner like it...

I enjoy street art as much as anyone, but this mural is a bit of an eyesore. It appears as though zero thought was put into it, and, judging only from how much paint was spilled on the sidewalk under it, the image was painted in haste. Was this commissioned, i.e. permitted, or is it just vandalism? As someone who is forced to pass this every single day, I hope it gets painted over. And what does it even mean? It seems negative or is that meant to be some sort of resurrection? To me it looks only like someone's BIG ORANGE EGO.
If you look closely it seems there is intended to be a link between the sort of flame-like explosion from the middle of the faceless body and the big sideways head (the three flames are matched by the three indentations at the base of the head). Is that a coin next to the eye? Have no idea what it's about but don't hate it.
I think the flames bursting from the body represent the heartburn that I always get when I get the "street-meat" special from the halal trucks. Odd that the truck guys don't get the symbolism - or maybe they do and the jokes on us?
@935 You're projecting too much of your slightly warped mind onto this intriguing piece of street art. At the very least, you back up the popular theory that art is in fact not for everyone.
Just because it's on the wall doesn't make it artful. There is a ton of beautiful street art in this neighborhood; sadly, this piece doesn't contribute to that cache. If the person intended for it to be completed in ten minutes, it should have been a much smaller work. Pieces of this size and scope are typically treated more carefully and articulated with more precision. This piece went up in less than an hour and looks every bit of it. I know this because I live in the building.And it's attracting a ton of bad crap over it. Bad art begets bad art it seems.
Ahhh grasshopper, I see you have burned yourself out again trying to keep up with the Jones' grandchildren.
Pretty obvious. :+)
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