Saturday, November 17, 2018

Undercover of the sidewalk bridge

Spotted the other day on Second Street... teasing an imminent announcement of a Rolling Stones U.S. tour, reportedly including a June 2019 stop at MetLife Stadium...


Anonymous said...

just more corporate branding plastered across the neighborhood

JQ LLC said...

What's the name of the new album, Bougies Banquet?

archibaldjleach said...

"And now ladies and gentlemen, the RICHEST rock and roll band in the world.... The Rolling Stones... The Rolling Stones"

NYC MADE their career, they should do a fucking free concert here. I don't think they ever have.

JQ LLC said...


The last time the stones did a free concert it did not go well at all.

and the band played on.

Anonymous said...

Raggin on the Stones? Come on guys it's not the punk era anymore. Mick and co are in their late 70s now. Let's go easy on em!

I love me some prime era Stones but I recently saw their Martin Scorsese pic from the Beacon Theater--a portrait of a band way, way over the hill. And this was well over a decade ago. I honestly do not even want to know what they sound like today. Mick's voice, energy and body fat percentage are all aging well, but his schtick is not. He is such a butt shaking finger wagging clown these days. Whereas in the Sixties, he was a dead cool bona fide rock star. He wrote deep jams with cool lyrics like Sympathy for the Devil and Street Fighting Man, people viewed him as a real, dangerous menace, possibly a Satanist.

Giovanni said...

I remember when The Rolling Stones 1981 American tour was going to be their last tour ever. Mick Jagger “allegedly” didn't even want to do that one, when of course everyone knew he really did. Well, 14 tours later they are still somehow selling tickets, but not nearly as many as they did a decade ago.

Until the 2010s, The Rolling Stones had been in the top 3 tours of the decade since the 1980s, and a few times were at #1. Since 2010, none of their concert tours are even in the top 20, while U2, Coldplay, Guns n Roses, AC/DC and Bruce Springsteen (on Boradway LOL) all kept going strong.

At this point the Stones are too old to jump the shark, and when fans in the UK found out that tickets for this tour will cost up to $600, they were ready to throw Mick Jagger into the ocean.

The Stones have been overcharging their fans for years. Back in 1969, the music critic for the San Francisco Chronicle said this:

“Paying five, six and seven dollars for a Stones concert at the Oakland Coliseum for, say, an hour of the Stones seen a quarter of a mile away because the artists demand such outrageous fees that they can only be obtained under these circumstances, says a very bad thing to me about the artists’ attitude towards the public. It says they despise their own audience.”

They still do.

Brian said...

The Stones can still at least provide real singing and playing. I always flip out when I see that Dylan is still selling out arenas, he can't sing or play anymore and he gave up his activism over 5 decades ago. There is no there there at a Dylan concert.

JQ LLC said...


Right on. I think the stuff he's done since his 90's comeback is overrated (except for Soyboy) I did find that christmas album hysterical though.

Anonymous said...