A reader photo offering an aerial view of one of the peaceful protests early this evening... as the crowded was heading west along Houston at Avenue A... this marked the fifth straight day in NYC to denounce the death of George Floyd and cases of police brutality around the country...
The photo is bitter sweet. A literal dark stormy cloud over LES. Sad.
Is there a list of protests and when they’re happening?
@anon 10:30
Here's a list for today from the Times (!):
There are numerous protests scheduled for Tuesday in New York City.
The times and locations of other planned demonstrations included:
11:30 — Protest at 145th Street & Broadway
1:00 — Manhattan: Rally at Foley Square
1:00 — Queens: Protest starting at Fort Totten
5:00 — Manhattan: Rally at Stonewall Inn
6:00 — Brooklyn: Protest at 98 5th Avenue
6:00 — Queens: Protest at Mott Avenue train station
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