There's a new restaurant tenant for the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Seventh Street... signage arrived on Friday for Sanshi Rice Noodle...

We don't have any information about the restaurant at the moment.
This prime corner space has been vacant since Bar Virage closed in December 2018 after 20-plus years in business. Ravi DeRossi had designs on a vegan diner here, though those plans didn't get past the Community Board stage.
Honestly, why would anyone open a restaurant now during a pandemic which allows no indoor seating, when we are approaching autumn, in addition to one of the highest spikes of crime this city hasn't witnessed since the 70's with so much uncertainty around us? The stakes are too high with numerous places shutting down every other day. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but the reality we all live in at the moment isn't great. Why open a spot then close it a few months later? Am I missing something or am I just being cynical?
Ive seen inside this place and its almost entirely built out. Guess they are just waiting for things to get better before they open.
Hopefully all these places are getting a LOT of free months up front in their leases...
And cheap noodles being noodles out
In addition to what Anonymous 9:40 said - who needs another ramen/rice/noodle shop in this neighborhood. Bar Virage was a great place and it was sad to see it go. I was really hoping that the next tenant will be something similar - a good restaurant serving great food with a cocktail bar - a corner spot with some character and charm. Instead, my worst fear came true - here comes another generic hole ready to serve bland flour noodles in lukewarm flavorless water.
Agree with 1:54 for sure!
Actual rice Noodles are in short supply in the hood! they're prob aiming for take away delivery This space has been empty since early 2019 so Big Bravo to those brave enough to weather the covid timeline and serve this neighborhood with food!
Hopefully they make some bee hoon
Rice noodles and ramen aren't remotely similar. Rice noodles are generally used in certain regions of China and in Vietnamese pho whereas ramen is from Japan. I was sad to see Just for Fen close - it was one of the better rice noodle spots. Dian Kitchen purvey rice noodle dishes, but their food is Yunnan. This looks like it will be something different.
As for opening during the pandemic, I'm guessing they've had this in the works for a year or more - they probably tried to hold off as long as possible, but if you're paying rent, you have to open sometime or just give up.
btw, I forgot to mention that Virage was terrible and Anonymous might be the only person who misses it.
Also rice noodles by their nature are not flour noodles.
I guess to some people, character and charm can only come from Western culture / food.
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