Sunday, February 7, 2021

Construction watch: Amelia and Christo's first nest for 2021

In recent days, Amelia and Christo, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, have started building their first nest of the season in preparation of starting and raising the 2021 fam ... and it appears to be in the same locust tree as last year's edition (in the area called Sandra Turner Garden near Temperance Fountain) ... 

Steven took these photos of the construction process... (work permits have yet to be posted with the city...)
and a nest break later...
As Goggla reported, Hurricane Isaisa wiped out their nest last summer... and also as Goggla has noted, the hawks will usually build a few nests before deciding on one (sort of their version of "Love It or List It"). It likely that Amelia and Christo may not make this one permanent, as hawk watchers noticed a broken limb here.

Anyway, be sure to follow Goggla for more on the hawk activity this breeding season.

And here are a few more constrcution shots via Mark H. ...


Anonymous said...

Thanks - always cool to see two in nest building action - please keep us ex- EV'rs updated!!

Anonymous said...

These birds are Mother Nature's source for pigeon and rodent control besides being a beautiful and rare find in the city.