I'm not sure what else to say about the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery... every day, a little bit more of it disappears... it's like a beached whale being slowly pecked clean by every passing seagull, crab, uh, you get the idea. I took these photos last evening. I'm sure it looks worse this morning.

Or maybe the mural is more interesting this way, as one East Village resident
suggested to DNAinfo.
BoweryBoogie has an update on the mural today too.
it's a race to the top. who will be the first to remove the uppermost panel?
"Fairey mural revealed as brilliant commentary on entropy."
Why don't we like this guy? Not making a statement or being sarcastic. I just genuinely don't know anything about it and am curious.
I like the mural all torn apart much more than when it was fresh and clean.
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