By James Maher
Name: Annette “Mistress Evil” MoccaldiJames Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.
Occupation: Dominatrix
Location: 2nd Street and 2nd Avenue
Time: 1:30 on Saturday, March 9
Oh boy, where should I start. I’m from Brooklyn. I was born in Park Slope but I was raised in Canarsie. When I was around 12 I started coming around here. I found Washington Square Park first, and that was crazy for me. It was great and so different.
And then, when I found the East Village, I was elated because I found utopia. I didn’t think it could get any better than that and it did. I was happy. Very happy. I couldn’t believe it because it was so bad where I grew up. I couldn’t wait to get away and see something different. And boy was it different. People liked each other here and it didn’t matter what race or what color you were. Everybody was different and everybody got along.
Like a lot of us, I was doing a lot of drugs. I was experimenting. I started young. When I was 12 I started drinking and smoking weed and stuff like that. Then I started smoking angel dust and eventually that turned into heroin. And then I started shooting dope and everything blew up.
When I started getting high, that was when I started living on the street. Doing the needle exchange. Things really got bad when I was in my late 20s and into my 30s. That’s when I started living in the squats or anywhere I could find. I went to Brooklyn a lot to squat. I did tent city. It was just a bunch of tents. I lived in the band shell in Tompkins Square Park. I lived anywhere I could find where people wouldn’t bother you. Everybody looked out for each other. There would always be people to look out for you. There were always predators around too but I knew enough people to kind of escape that kind of thing. It was kind of cool. It was bad but it was also great. I still have my friends from there to this day.
Then I went to Rikers Island and that was terrible. I went into rehab for a year and a half. I have nothing to hide. I’ve done it and I’ve been [off drugs] for maybe 14 years.
I still dominatrix. I retired briefly, but that didn’t last long because I needed the money. I started in the strip clubs and I didn’t like that because I felt like I was being objectified, so now I tell people what the fuck to do. That’s fun. I’m the boss. And I don’t do anything that I don’t want to do. I don’t do anything out of my boundaries.
I have to live in Harlem now. Everything is getting better for me except for the fact that our neighborhood has changed. My boyfriend and I are both really bummed about it because now we’ve got our shit together, we could do something about this, and this is what we’ve got to come back to in the East Village. It wretches my guts. Everyday I’m looking around on the train. Where are all these people coming from? This used to be the dump that nobody wanted to live in.
Seen her around before and I love her style. Anther great interview; thanks!:D
She can dominate me anytime.
Hope things change so she can live here again! We need more unique personalities here instead of the ken and Barbies.
I love this chick!
I'm with ya girl!
All the way.
Great interview. As much as I love the East Village, I would consider moving uptown to Harlem where she lives. There are still way less woo-hooers up there. At least for now!
Loved this, thanks for posting.
This is a great piece. It was much more fun to walk around this neighborhood at night years ago and see characters like her and not the generic flyover woo-hoo's that now dominate the streets here.
New Rule: everyone who posts on here with disparaging comments about "flyover woo hoos" should be required to post where they're originally from.
Its me, A. Bright...aka C. C. Raven and I think your hot...I think you gotta lot of balls telling shit the way it is...I've had issues in my youth and overpowered th bullshit...I know you also have and will continue to do so...rock the fuck on!!
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