Tony Curtis, born Bernard Schwartz in the Bronx, died just after midnight. Read the Times obit here.

Curtis, as press agent Sidney Falco in EV Grieve favorite "Sweet Smell of Success," at Elpine Drinks at 46th Street and Seventh Avenue. (Read more on this at Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
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One of the best movies ever. Thanks for this. Needed it.
RIP Tony, you were swell. "Yonda lies da castle of my faddah!"
R.I.P. Tony Curtis. Loved him in "Some Lke It Hot" and "Houdini." And of course one of his most memorable roles was on The Flintstones as Stony Curtis.
Tony Curtis was a good actor. RIP-he was a Brooklyn native. His starring role in The Boston Strangler was brilliant and vivid.
Bronx native. He was amazingly talented and beautiful.
Rest in peace.
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