[Second Avenue via EVG contributor jdx]
Gaia will be staying open after all on East Houston (BoweryBoogie)
More legal wrangling over plans for an upscale cafe in the Union Square pavilion (Daily News ... via Curbed)
At MulchFest in Tompkins Square Park — WITH VIDEO (Gog in NYC)
The 1940s Lower East Side salvage collectors (Ephemeral New York)
Photos from the 2014 No Pants Subway Ride (Runnin' Scared)
... and, if you'd like, the official No Pants video...
Chelsea's long-time gay gift shop Rainbows & Triangles is closing (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
An armed robbery on Clinton and Grand (The Lo-Down)
When Batman and Warhol collided (Dangerous Minds)
Seriously, please stop No Pants douchebaggery coverage!
Agree with 1:42. When they go totally naked, then restart the coverage, or uncoverage as it may be.
I wonder at what point in that day do the pant-less ones start to think about putting their pants back on, 1 hour, 1 hour and 8 minutes, when their asses start getting cold, when some weird guy keeps staring at your crotch????
There is a horse head reflection at 52 seconds.
No pants on horses subway ride?
I like this idea! A Paris Hilton-like Grieve blackout of local douchery!
If people would just ignore this me. me, meee, look at meeeee, event, then they'd just go away. How about a no tops subway ride for a change?
The No Pants inanity is not much better than SantaCon. It's devolved from a silly non-conformist prank to a worldwide annual phenomenon of Marxist-Lemmingism.
It isn't even sexy. It certainly isn't funny. It isn't shocking. It isn't creative. It isn't art. It isn't entertainment.
Worst of all: it certainly isn't hygienic. If you bother to research what invisible vermin live on every surface of a subway interior, you'd keep your pants on and probably wear gloves as well.
- East Villager
How about a "No Cell Phones/Ipads/Ipods Subway Ride"? Now THAT would be radical. This - this is just stupid.
Slight change of topic here, but related to that photo: Is there something going on at the former Sea-Salt (was that what it was called?) because I've been seeing construction/contractor peoples go in and out of there lately. Anyone have the low-down?
Hey anon 9:22
It is going to be the new home in the EV of the Brick Lane Curry House.
Let the kids have their fun, it's not hurting anyone.:)
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