[Photo Sunday by Richard Kopperdahl]
Work continues on the exterior of Empellón al Pastor, the bar meets tortilleria opening soon on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place.
Not sure exactly what's going on out here… a graffiti tribute of sorts…

Meanwhile, as Eater pointed out yesterday, the interior includes a wall adorned with a Charles Bukowski quote …

[Via Instagram]
The third restaurant from Alex (Empellón Cocina, Empellón Taqueria) Stupak is expected to open soonish.
Updated 10-8
Workers installed the new awning yesterday...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Chef Alex Stupak vying for former Sushi Lounge space on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place
As the for rent signs turn on Avenue A
Here are a few scant details about chef Alex Stupak's new venture on St. Mark's Place
CB3 OKs liquor license for Alex Stupak's new restaurant on St. Mark's Place
More about Empellón al Pastor, opening this fall on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place
The nail in the coffin to a good nights sleep will be opening soon. Toss and turn in your bed as 20-somethings scream and shout over a background of concert level music all of which will be easy to hear through the completely open bar facade. Look how "artsy" and cool this place is, it has 100% authentic graffiti and some artsy shit telling customers that drinking too much is a great way to die.
Interestingly enough, that supposed quote from Bukowski is most likely not even a legitimate quote. If he ever did write it, it was supposedly in a letter somewhere somewhen that no one can actually produce or authenticate. This particular bit has been beaten to death on Bukowski forums, etc., so will not rehash it all here, but most likely he never even said it.
And PS even if he did, why pick such a dumb simplistic sophomoric line, if you feel you simply MUST quote Buk, virtually everything he ever wrote is better than that.
Does not bode well.
Yay, loove it! Soooo edgy! I don't know who Bukowsky is but OMG that quote is so #YOLO! Loooove it!
glad to see the mosaic is still in place on the st. marks side of the wall; hope it remains!
That Megan- Such a crack-up! .
Moe, I think the new! improved! EV version of the Bukowski quote should read: "Find two things you love, and let them kill each other."
I don't love roaming gangs or privileged frat boys and sore-hoes but they are killing me.
You will not believe how LOUD and noisy this new place will be. This guy caters to rich, drunks who fight and scream constantly and then call Uber to whisk them away after 2 or 3 a.m. We have had screaming drunks in front of his place on First Ave. ever since it opened. Doors to street are always open, music blasting so loud it shakes walls two buildings away.
That Google Ad belongs here and it'd say "What is a Bukowski made of?"
I'd like for that Yaffa neighbor to try to shut this down. Then again, no, since that neighbor will be a regular to this joint because and as long as it is not in her backyard.
"I'd like for that Yaffa neighbor to try to shut this down. Then again, no, since that neighbor will be a regular to this joint because and as long as it is not in her backyard."
Hope a bar opens close to where you live so you can NOT complain about it.
The comments on EV Grieve are increasingly becoming unbearable. There is a whole negative nasty old-man fatalistic loser tone to everything in comments here. I am an old man myself, and I have lived in the hood for 35 years, but I find the comments here to be unbearable.
If things are becoming boring, the nasty old men object to the lack of fun, and if things are fun, the old men object to the noise. I am over it. There are a few offenders who are particularly boring. I am sure we all know who they are.
Anonymous 10:27, The posts are designed to solicit these comments. In addition, EVGrieve determines which comments get posted and which don't. Everything is geared towards this negativity.
Dear Anonymouse,
Really? The blog is called EV Grieve, yet you are complaining that people here are grieving about the ongoing destruction of the East Village? That's like saying that you don't like all the pictures of naked ladies on Playboy.com, or the snarky jokes about hipsters on diehipster.com.
You know what they call people who complain about complainers? They're called complainers.
Even the tourists are complaining about all the 7-11s and Starbucks and chain stores and theme restaurants and bank branches making us look like every other loser-town. This isn't the Mall Of America, it's New York Friggin' City!
Complaining is a big part of how this city got to be as great as it is. People who don't complain either have low standards or no standards at all.
So if you don't like it, maybe it's time to move back to that place where no one ever complains and everything is just peachy keen. You know, Utah.
Wait, the comment section is not a place to peruse when I need a laugh? The complaining and old man tone are always a quick pick me up when I visit. Then again I listened to a lot of Morrisey and Radiohead in my youth. Morbid , yet enjoyable.
If you find the comments amusing, it's because, much like the East Village, you treat this blog and everything like an amusement park. The new East Village and East Villagers are a and the joke. Panic in the streets of East Village, I wonder to myself, could life ever be sane again.
Or maybe a quote for a bro and broho songs you'd get more apt to your East Village.
'Seven butt-nakeds sippin' drank in my sauna/ Only fuck with hoes who rock Dolce & Gabbana.'
'Put Molly all in her champagne, she ain't even know it/ I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain't even know it,'
'Not many women can refuse this pimpin', I'm a nice guy, but don't get it if you get with me, because you're a good girl, a good girl, I know you want it'
Anon 7:31, No, Funny because the amount of comments trying to one up each other with pithy judgements. When if they were to get off their computers and contribute to this community it may have a glimmer of hope. Try NY Cares, it's a good place to start.( And how do you even know those lyrics?)
Bukowski is turning over in his grave.
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