[East Houston and B]
Meant to note this article in the Post the other day titled "Graffiti rearing its ugly head again in NYC."
Let's get to it!
Graffiti, a “broken windows” indicator about the quality of life in any city, is starting a slow, ugly creep around the Big Apple — with new tags appearing nightly.
The Post goes on to list several places where they've seen graffiti, such as along the FDR, Summit Avenue in the Bronx, the Amtrak tracks visible from the West Side Highway, under bridges on the East River.
Let's get to some stats!
Graffiti arrests in the city rose 4 percent in the first eight months of the year, to 1,080, city statistics show. But despite law enforcement’s best effort, graffiti continues to leave its mark.
The NYPD arrested 3,598 people for graffiti and related crimes in 2013, up slightly from 2012 but down 13 percent from the 4,000-plus levels of 2009 and 2008, city statistics show.
So, the NYPD is making arrests. How about the city cleaning up the graffiti?
The Sanitation Department is about a year behind on clean-ups. Since August 2013, the agency had closed 7,166 graffiti reports, but as of last Aug. 31, had another 7,739 still open.
And the service does not clean up the city’s own roadways, bridges or parks.
More stats!
According to open data Web information, since 2003, 81,525 graffiti reports were made to 311 and the police responded to 1,161 of those.
And then the article just sort of ends.

[Avenue A]
So… anyone think there's more graffiti in this neighborhood in recent years? It doesn't seem that way to me, though I don't work for the Post.
I don't like Abercrombie & Fitch or Claire's Accessories so I don't go to the mall. If you don't like graffiti don't come to a city.
The graffiti comes after the vacancy, so an increase in graffiti means an increase in vacancies, which is something I have noticed recently.
There were a lot of vacancies in 2008/9. Since then there have been fewer, but recently there seem to be more again.
You nailed it. The Post has zero cred and it's agenda is literally written in black and white.
When landlords hold out for the gross rents corporations shell out we all suffer. So until we get the 9,476th fro-yo shop in the EV, the stores will sit empty.
I wish it was true... But its not its the fuckin' post needs some news!
Hey Creature and the rest, you seriously need to wake up. We have had a Democrat mayor continuously since what, 2002? Hello? Hello? Um that's like, 13 years now?
8:26 and 10:14 right on both counts
"Graffiti continues to leave its mark." Fucking genius writingmenship there skip!
I'm saving my outrage for the hard-hitting exposes on pigeon feeding and the wind changing direction.
I love the talk about how now NYC has a 'democratic' mayor. EVERY mayor going back for decades has been a democrat based on their anti gun pro abortion pro gay rights agenda. This is the tax and spend- social service- union run capital of America. There is nothing about NYC that isn't dominated by the democrats except for the NY Post. God forbid they try to have a different point of view than goes against the liberal agenda that runs NYC. The only ideas you want to hear are ones you agree with. How 'liberal' and open minded of you.
Bloomberg wasn't a Democrat - are you joking, clueless or don't vote? I love the graffiti and love the fact that it is on vacant storefronts. Until the landlords realize they can't just rent to another high-end restaurant and start lowering their rent so other types of businesses can open - then tag away.
Lets see- Bloomberg was very anti gun- pro gay rights/marriage- pro abortion. He banned smoking in bars and is the king of the nanny state democrats who want to dictate how you live- what you eat etc. These are all standard democratic party positions. Bloomberg never suggested lowering taxes or becoming more business friendly. Or spending less on social services. (Bill D is going to spend a billion this fiscal year on 'homeless services'- only in NYC) He spent and taxed like a good democrat. You don't really get my point because you live in the NYC political bubble. The democratic party ideas are considered gospel in this town. They are so accepted that there can't be any other political ideas right? I am not clueless or joking. There is only one party in this town. Perhaps if you visited the country called 'America' (you may have heard of it- it starts west of the Hudson) you might understand my point.
I really enjoy when graffiti artists completely destroy a small business's sign. I'm sure professionally made signs are not expensive at all.
Bloomberg was Democrat but switched to the Republican Party prior to his first term election. He then left the Republican Party about two years into his second term. And he ran as an Independent on his term third. He goes where the wind blows. Has no loyalty but to money and himself. His only true party is Bloomberg.
Anonymous 2:27 - A lot of small business's signs are in very bad shape.
I thought we were supposed to consider graffiti as "Art" nowadays ?
I love graffiti; it's one of the reasons I came to New York.
That said—no, the amount of graffiti in New York doesn't faze me. To tell you the truth, I wish people could still tag a whole subway train the way they did in the 70s.
Bloomturd gave major money (millions) to the NYS Republican Party during all of the NYS elections while he was mayor so that the NYS Senate would remain in Republican hands. But not to worry, now that Bloomturd is gone, Cuomo* is making sure that the NYS Senate remains Republican controlled.
“union run capital of America".
Yes, all those fucking union members who went down to the Twin Towers that day and died. Yes, those fucking good for nothing union scumbags.
*remember his father’s campaign against Koch? I do. “Vote for Cuomo, not the Homo.”
All City baby! -Catch me if you can...
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