RyanAvenueA spotted the above flyer on his front door last evening… too late to attend the meeting the newly formed (and apocalyptically named) End of Avenue A Block Association had at Boulton & Watt.
At the meeting, reps from Boulton & Watt, The Library, Ella, 2A and Yerba Buena were expected to attend. Curiously enough, reps from bars (Double Down and Kelly's) on the east side of the Avenue were not listed.
The flyer also did not contain any contact information for prospective members or bloggers.
Yeah right, David McWater, Bob Perl and Darin Rubell are the End Of Avenue A.
End of A Block Association or End of A Bar Association?
When they say "our community" they mean the community of bar owners, right?
Why don't they just call it the Suck My Dick Block Association.
Aren't block associations made up of residents? Why don't they call this a business coalition or something else more accurate?
Answer: A small group with a private agenda can create a legitimate sounding neighborhood group that appears to represent the community and then speak for and act and get changes in city policies on behalf of the community, as though they've been elected or chosen to do so, though they have not.
Example: Antonio Pagan, Samuel Turvey, Donald Capoccia and a handful of others created the Tompkins Square Park Neighborhood Coalition to make the LES more suitable for real estate parasites + developers and their incoming suckers (oops, I mean tenants) paying 10x higher rent than existing residents.
The TSPNC divided the community against itself, leaving it vulnerable to the hyper-gentrification we've seen over the past 20+ years.
We'd like to know MORE about who is behind this group and what they're up to....
The Tompkins Square Park Neighborhood Coalition, of which I was a member, had but one aim, to "Bring Back The Park", which had become a homeless encampment, unusable by the neighborhood. The coalition succeeded and went on to create the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival to showcase and celebrate the Park. Mr. Flash, what have you created other than noise?
The Axis of Evil
Tompkins Square Park didn't need ANYone to bring it "back." The park NEVER LEFT. The right-wing "TSPNC" created and funded by REAL ESTATE interests had ONE purpose: to gentrify the Lower East Side by dividing the community against itself. Like a good little NAZI, you readily and greedily went along for the ride. Only YOU and the deceased Antonio Pagan Saldana know what your reward was.
I wonder Howard: What DID you get out of it? What did they pay you for your "services"? Did you enjoy seeing your neighbors and small business owners get pushed out in favor of the monied transients and yuppie scum and the business that cater to THEM?
Yes, you've still got your inexpensive little hovel of an apartment on East First Street, but can you HONESTLY say that the LES is better off now than it was 25 years ago????
If you think so, I think you need another brain surgery....
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