The NYPD arrived en masse this afternoon along Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue (where they have been camped out the past 10 or so days) between East 10th Street and East 14th Street...

Another night of protests are expected around the city in the wake of yesterday's grand jury decision not to indict the NYPD officer involved in the Eric Garner chokehold case.
One rally begins at the north side of Union Square at 5 ... with a march down to 1 Police Plaza.
Photos via EVG reader Robert F.
They've actually been there all week, standing around doing nothing. Nice use of taxpayer dollars and resources.
A pathetic show of force not seen even in the days of Giuliani or even the riot days in Tompkins Square.
A sure sign of guilt being displayed here -- if those kkkops in Staten Island had done the right thing, the NYPD wouldn't need to fear repercussions.
Nothing says "POLICE STATE" like all this. What country are we in? This is bullshit... TAKE TO THE STREETS PEOPLE - the police are out of control in their actions in this country. Do it now before it is really too late.
No justice
No [artisinal] peas
Its already too late. You're powerless. And Di Blasio is just another Statist. Maybe if everyone sends out a twit of outrage on twitter it would change things.
always count on grump for some well reasoned insight here.
grump, did you even read that article you linked to?
It says, "Contrary to the man’s apparent belief, the Supreme Court ruled that checkpoints are Constitutional as long as they follow certain guidelines that makes the stop random in order to prevent profiling."
Dear SantaCon participants: You have the right to yell, scream, fight and get drunk in the streets all day and all night long. Just be sure to have a great time!
Dear Protest marchers: Make one false move and you're under arrest. Any questions?
I am really proud of my fellow New Yorkers for showing the rest of the country how to do a peaceful protest. It is inspiring to see people out there making their voices heard. And, so far, the police have handled this situation might better than they did the Occupy Wall Street protests.
I remember how shocked I was to see this kind of mobilization around Washington Square Park during Occupy. I guess I haven't become jaded because it still shocks me now to see streets I walk every day turned into a police staging area. A year ago, I truly thought we'd put those days behind us. What a difference a few months can make...or maybe I should say instead, a few months later and we see no difference at all.
Giovanni, you forget piss and vomit as well. Because when one is privileged, entitled, and 99% white,“Broken Windows” need not apply. Especially when local Fox News (last year) gives fawning coverage to the event.
December 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM - I did, and maybe you noticed the part about "random" being required and the fact the cops were picking every 3rd car - that is not random mathematically. Do you approve of domestic identity checkpoints on the streets? Where does it stop? Can they stop you randomly every block? Every 20 feet? Whenever you enter or exit a transit system? What are the limits? Doesn't anyone here remember having to walk the literal gauntlet between 2 rows of automatic weapon armed "cops" at the RNC? The National Security State will not back down, it cannot, it must assert its correctness at every step. I'm sure the bars in the east village will be full of goons applauding these deaths. While Garner was resisting, the chokehold is illegal, so how do you resolve that contradiction if you're such a follower of Law? Do you believe the Laws are only there for Property, and not for cops?
If I could only figure out a way of selling tickets to tourists, this is a missed capitalist moment.
uuum, do you know why the protests are so peacevul? Because NYC real estate is so expensive. Anything that gets burnt now, well... does the word "firesale" mean anything to you?
G and CE, in other words, if protesters don't want to be harassed by the NYPD, they should dressed up as Santas and scream WOOOOOOOO!
It's time to get ORGANIZED!
Their inordinate display of puffed-up "muscle" makes them look more scared than scary. Also their low helicopters overhead for hours at night need to stop. Aside from the noise, it's an unnecessary hazard for citizens below, in the event of a crash.
A lot of "Black Lives Matter" signs out there tonight. Since Ferguson, there have been 155 homicides in Chicago( 74% black.) On November 30th, 3 killed, 5 wounded ( all black) in Newark. Apparently not all "Black Lives Matter" , based on the selective outrage. By no means am I diminishing the Eric Gardner travesty but this selective outrage is bullshit. The truth that is taboo to discuss is that the biggest threat to the lives of young black men, is other young black men. Yes , the Grand Jury decision is an outrage worthy of outrage and protest, but I am strictly commenting on the "The Black Lives Matter" signs that appear to have been mass produced. Young black men are the victims of deadly voilence in disproportionate numbers year after year . Where is anger and outrage in those cases?
This is what Fox News has been repeating all week, it's just a right wing talking point and its very crass when cops are killing unarmed teens and 12 year olds. It's kust another false equivalency by someone trying to distract away from the problem of police violence.
Here is the issue: When black people commit crimes of any type they are prosecuted. When cops commit crimes against black people they are almost never prosecuted. That's the issue here. End of story.
What the hell? Black people kill other black people, therefore, so "black lives matter" is "selective outrage."
Okay, here's one for you: "According to Justice Department statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites."
And you say "What the hell has that got to do with anything?" and i say "Bingo, buddy." Keep your dumbass propaganda talking points to yourself.
Bureau of Justice, U.S. Dept. of Justice pdf
So 16% of whites are killed by nonwhites. Good to know.
And black lives only matter if they are taken by white cops. And dont mention
black on white crime.
Leave for two weeks and this place becomes the New York Post of logical thinking.
Sheeple need to wake up, and learn from their past mistakes. Www.infowars.com. Bush, Clinton's, Cheney responsible for JFK death using military advanced nazi anti human British empire shape shifting weaponry.
So you are saying cops are no better than the average criminal?
I agree.
But thanks for the false equivalency either way.
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