SantaCon organizers plan to release this year's pub crawl route this evening.
Ahead of that, a curious East Village resident downloaded the official Santacon app that they are now advertising on their website.
The resident found that the participating bars are in the Midtown West/Murray Hill region: Pacha, Beer Authority, Houndstooth, Tempest, The Thirsty Fan, Slake, Red Room, Vivid Caberet, American Whiskey, Blarney Rock, The Australian, Stout, The Keg Room NYC, Feile, Blaggards, Reichenbach Beer Hall, Butterfield 8, Mustang Harry's, The Liberty, Suite 36, Mustang Sally's, Playwright Irish Pub, Galway Pub, Rick's Cabaret, Slattery's, Pioneers Bar, Jack Dempsey's, Foley's, Maru Karoke Lounge, Rattle 'n Hum, Nelly Spillane's, IchiUmi, Joshua Tree, 230 Fifth Avenue Rooftop & Lounge.
The pre-party starts at Pacha on West 46th Street.
The SantaCon website also notes that they are scaling back this year's festivities:
Due to the planned protests on Saturday, Santacon is scaling back this weekend's festivities in order to create the lowest possible impact on the city we love while still maintaining our glorious traditions this holiday season.
Santacon has respect and compassion for the hard-working municipal organizations of NYC, as well as for the important civil rights demonstrations currently shaping our city’s future. Thus, we are changing the format of this year’s Santacon.
This evening, all participating Santacon bars and venues will be announced on nycsantacon.com. Their halls will be decked, and they’ll be ready and waiting for Santa to come down their chimneys. PLEASE PATRONIZE THESE VENUES ONLY. If a venue isn’t on this list, it’s because they don’t want you there. Please move around throughout the day from venue to venue but spend most of your time inside, not on the streets.
Finally, it’s more important this year than ever to pace yourself, watch out for your elves, and stay safe. Fighting, public urination, and vandalism are unacceptable and a great way to ensure that there will be no Santacon in 2015. #DontScroogeSantacon
Meanwhile, the Village Pourhouse on Third Avenue and East 11th Street is still pretending to be an official SantaCon stop…

great! keep those fuckers in Pacha/Murray hill where they belong
could we name this Saturday "Passover" or will that offend someone?
Joshua Tree. But of course. “The Joshua Tree, the most widely known bro-bar in Murray Hill, says that each week it runs through about “80 cases of bottled beer [24 bottles each] and 20 kegs.” That’s over 2,000 orders of beer per week.”
I was looking forward to hanging my ' Rowdy Santa's Will Be Beaten Into Submission With A Blunt Object,' sign. It's become a tradition of sorts.
Ichi Umi??!?!?
I read "In spite of the deaths of black men at the hands of police and the outrage of many New Yorkers, we are asserting our white privilege to ignore what's going on in the world since it doesn't directly affect us and be drunk assholes all day". Is that about right?
@9:54am: Yep, you got it right!
Good job Figment!
Are handjobs at Duane Reade still allowed?
About 2 years ago I was in Beth Israel's ER with a friend.It was full of very young kids. They were walking around, the ones who could stand up, with vomit bags around their necks, much like the feed bags used for horses. I was totally disgusted. They start drinking in the morning, and never stop. HOW IS THIS FUN????
I hate to break it to you, but a lot of people at Santa Con aren't white. It's crazy that people of color may want to drink and be obnoxious as well, but believe it or not, they are people to.
Of course bro/ho-friendly Murray Hill is the location for this year's shitshow.
Do us a favor, 9:54, and go stick your head in the oven if you hate yourself that much.
The app lets participants add new locations as they move around, as soon as the add the EV bars it's all over.
All roads lead to Union Square. First they will get juiced up in the pure-game which is Murray Hill and Midtown, then they head right down to what they call Midtown South.
Ths is another SantaCon con job and it's been out of control for years, so unless we build barricades across 34th St. right now all this blather about scaling down and changing neighborhoods is bulloney.
And talk about white bro (and black bro) privileges, 9:54 is dead on. They had the chance to show support for the biggest social issue in years by canceling it this year or joining in the protests, and they chose to do a pub crawl. If you needed any more proof that a bunch of cops probably are involved in SantaCon the there it is.
Rick's Cabaret? Really?
How much money is Figment making off the app? David???
I'm psyched! I've already started drinking, just to get prepared!
Thank fuck Albion isn't on this list.
I deal with the ny city marathon every year with a band set up right across the street from my house that starts at 9am and all the bell ringing and cheering for the participants all day know what this is NEW YORK deal with it . Alcohol is legal here the owners of bats and restaurants have invested alot of money in these businesses, they employ people with families of all colors and nationally , and pay taxes ! !
"but a lot of people at Santa Con aren't white" ... um from my personal observation it is 95% white if not higher. Among females ... probably closer to 100%.
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