[Photo by Bobby Williams from Sunday]
Rentals got underway back in May at the all-new 222 E. Seventh St. — now with two additional floors — between Avenue B and Avenue C.
The address (before the previous building was gutted and rebuilt) served as a home and studio for sculpturist Louise Nevelson in the 1970s.

[The former No. 222]
The building is named in her honor — the Nevelson House.
And there's now a plaque out front with more details about her time at No. 222...

The plaque reads in part...
During the 1970s her art studio was on the 4th floor of this building. ... She hosted many parties with guests like Andy Warhol and Ray Johnson here. Neith Nevelson, her granddaughter, is an artist ... Neith lived and painted on the 2nd floor.
The building has been renovated and remains as a place of inspiration for those who live within its walls.
Streeteasy shows the monthly rent for units ranging in price from $4,195 to $7,750.
Previously on EV Grieve:
New 7th Street rental named for artist Louise Nevelson; amenities include a backup generator
Someone needs to familiarize themselves with what the word 'renovated' really means...
If they really wanted to honor her they'd have kept the building. This is pure and simple a marketing ploy, same as the garden dedicated to Carmen Pabon that is -- remarkably -- never open.
I agree with Anon @8.16--this is really pushing association a bit far. I admire Nevelson's work, but her granddaughter? Really!!
Pro tip: if you plan to finagle your way onto grandma's plaque, try not to misspell "granddaughter"...
Thank goodness my family finagled our way out-of-there. What a SHithole neighb it was in the 70's.
Developers will use any edge they can to make a buck in the very boring frathouse community the EV has become. First they drive out the alternative culture, then they try to invoke it once they've cleaned it up and made it safe for the boring new comers. God what a world. And we know where our politicians are: laughing all the way to the bank with the developers.
On this blog, nothing short of unadulterated socialism will satisfy the majority of the regular commentators.
noun: socialism
A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Yeah, that, and a government that actually TAKES CARE OF ITS PEOPLE, sounds horrible, doesn't it, Anon. 1:21? Simply awful!
Anon. 1:21 happens to be right. Under socialismo, the community does not own the means of production. Rather they are "owned" by the criminal entity known as the State, whether it is Moscow, Pyonyang, Havana, NYC (Havana on the Hudson), Washington, District of Carnage (Pyonyang on the Potomac), Albany (Moscow on the Mohawk), etc.
You should do a bit of reading on the actual history of socialism, such as the works of Solzhenitsen, F.A. Hayek, Ludwig von Mises.
A good place to start is with two essays by Murray N. Rothbard, "The Anatomy of the State," and "War, Peace, and the State," which can be found with a search. I knew Murray when he lived here in Havana on the Hudson.
Bill, libertarian, anarchist, and opponent of socialismo
7 grand a month, the rental market is filled with suckers.
Isn't granddaughter supposed to be one word? Why spend a lot of money on a plaque such as this and not have it be grammatically and stylistically correct? Isn't that just laziness? This is a now a permanent fixture of the building.
And as far as the purpose of the plaque, I am calling bullshit. Its a cheap ploy to lure others into signing a lease, for over 7k a month, when clearly, one has to make at least 280k to qualify as a tenant. Its absurd someone would spend that much in rent when you are better off putting a down payment towards a mortgage which will offer equity.
I live on 7th and pass this every day. It seems nice, but not worth the asking price. And, yes, I guess there is a sucker born every second.
Another suckered ploy, say square footage is 735sf when if you take a measuring tape and measure the interior livable square footage, it is much smaller.
standard marketing Ploy in New York City rental aside from the ugliness the underlining motivation of greed it's just a deplorable eyesore for the community to suffer
1. Antonio Canova would recognize buildings in Rome that are marked with his name. Louise Nevelson would never recognize this as her building. Too much has changed. No historic significance remains.
2. I hope the developers are paying the Nevelson estate a royalty for use of the Nevelson brand.
The federal government owns the Nevelson "brand." I'm calling BS cuz she lived @ 29 Springs St during those years AND do you really think they carted all that wood up to the 4th floor? Get real! Her son delivered all the pieces that he made for her to the Spring/Mott location.
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