Karma Books, an offshoot of the Karma gallery on Second Street, opened this week at 136 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue ... in the former home of St. Mark's Bookshop.
An EVG reader who took a quick look inside the store reports an art-focused selection, with some big coffee-table books on contemporary art as well as rare and special editions.
Here's a selection of their titles, as seen on Instagram ...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Bookstore coming to the former St. Mark's Bookshop on 3rd Street
I dont understand this move. There's another long established bookstore -- Mast -- a half block away that focuses on the same specialty items.
I know they need to promote their store, but they gotta delete their instagram account. Facebook's greedy willfully ignorant Zuckerberg and his fellow billionaire invaders and sellers of privacy must be destroyed.
Looks like the St. Marks Bookstore under another name?
Both of these bookstores cater to collectors. It’s probably a good move to be near another store that already attracts this clientele. It’s highly unlikely that both will be stocking identical titles, therefore each helps to support the other. It also brings a vibrancy to the area opposite to the rowdy bar patrons.
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