[B&H Dairy owners Ola and Fawzy Abdelwahed in 2018]
Here's a post from B&H Dairy on Instagram yesterday that sums up the hardships of running a small food business during the COVID-19 crisis:
Dear B&H Family,
As you know we have been struggling to survive the pandemic as a business. While we are now “open,” we wanted to update you with a reality check as to our situation as of today.
B&H, like many, if not all restaurants, large or small, remains at risk of closing. That is a fact. Anyone who is under the impression that because a restaurant “open,” all is “back to normal,” is not grasping the reality of the pandemic and its consequences.
We went from serving 200 customers a day to only 20 customers a day when we first reopened for pick-up and delivery. We had to cover paying our employees, rent, utilities, and buying food for the restaurant on only 10% of our previous income.
We started an ongoing GoFundMe campaign, to which many of you continue to donate repeatedly, for which we are deeply grateful.
When we were able to reopen, we made changes, accepting credit cards and using food delivery apps for the first time, which increased our customers to about 50 a day, on a good day. Still not back to normal.
We applied for all appropriate relief loans and grants from various city and government agencies, none of which have been granted so far, except for one tiny grant early on, which covered a fraction of one month’s rent, and has since been repaid. To date, though several applications are pending, we have received no further government assistance or relief.
This weekend we adjusted our hours, now closing on Mondays, and cut staff, saying goodbye to Mike. Though he had been with B&H for 14 years, he was one of our most junior employees. Many of our remaining staff are the sole breadwinner for their families.
We are in a fight to survive. We hope that the combination of business, our GoFundMe campaign, and we pray, government relief, will allow us to ride out this storm. This has been a very stressful time for everyone at B&H, so much so, that Ola is now under a doctor’s care.
However, we have faith in B&H! We have been around since 1938, been through numerous owners, staff, closures, and disasters, such as the Spring 2015 2nd Ave. gas explosion, and yet have survived. We thank you, our B&H Family, for your continued love and support.
B&H Dairy is at 127 Second Ave. between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place. Phone: (212) 505-8065.
Updated: The crowdfunding campaign for Mike is at this link.
This is so sad to see such a long term business get hit so hard and not have access to the various relief programs that were suppose to help small businesses. That retail block on Second Avenue has had a lot of rough times.
Let's all just make an effort and go get some food there a couple of times a week, paying in cash. Spread the word. Maybe an increase in sales would buy them time.
Sad. I wish I knew more about the government assistance programs, loans and grants that are available right now. If anyone out there knows anything about it they should contact B&H and help them out. Sometimes it is just a matter of knowing how to apply and fill in the correct information in the appropriate boxes.
Why do people think a divided and partisan government cares about the self-inflicted closure pain of NYC? The rest of NYS has had indoor dining for months, there's no federal lockdown, people are delusional if you think the feds are coming to the rescue. And the city and state have no money either and will be forced into massive layoffs.
Re: programs to help small businesses. Electeds and their staffs have been helpful with this. Gale Brewer's now-weekly newsletter disseminates a lot of useful info, including available programs. She recently listed one. Our electeds work for us and they should be on top of stuff like this.
I'm crushed by this. Mike is such a good guy and B&H won't be the same without him. How can we help them get the relief funds they need? Can anyone offer some pro bono assistance with the application process?
there is also a go fund me link going around for mike. he's a true mensch
I hope they hire Mike back as soon as things normalize. Mike's the best.
This reality check is not something i like to hear but its one that needs to be heard. Especially now that the city and state have made it clear indoor dining/bars are not going to happen in the city until we get a vaccine. The other problem is the huge pay divide that is going on between those on a steady paycheck who can work from home and have seen no loss of income vs what amounts to 33% or more of the city on unemployment, no current enhancement to help, which is not enough to even cover one months rent. I personally would love to be able to frequent all these businesses and originally I would get take out 3 nights a week and eat out most nights, but with the loss of a job the unemployment has not allowed me to spend one penny more than food rent and utilities. I grew up in small business and I commend every owner out there fighting for survival month to month. I wish I could do more, but I hope people out there who read this can grasp the reality of the situation and help as best they can. Anyone who is making steady money needs to put it forward in anyway possible to help the community right now. Things are looking bleak and the more of these places that close the less of a desirable place it will be for all of us.
The government programs are not set up to help small businesses in the hospitality industry, and no one (though they may claim otherwise) cares about hospitality (we are, in many peoples'eyes, lesser beings - were the untouchables of America).
Can someone provide the link to the gofundme for MIKE, please?
Maybe Cuomo will deign to let businesses know when they can reopen indoors sometime next year. Of course everyone will be bankrupt by then.
Guess I'm heading to B&H for dinner.
Also, if people can buy their "Challah, por favor!" that's another great way to show support, and it's a pretty rad shirt.
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