Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Report: Psychics seeing an uptick in business

[EVG photo from March]

While all types of businesses have been struggling in recent months, there's apparently one medium that's booming: psychics.

Per the Post:

While storefronts are going bust across the Big Apple due to the coronavirus pandemic, New York’s psychics and fortune-tellers say they are seeing more clients — and making more money — than ever before.

And locally...

New Yorkers who’ve never turned to the occult before are now seeking out some spiritual guidance. East Village psychic Kathleen Lee used to largely serve tourists — but with visitors gone, her newly reopened business has seen more locals desperate to find their way in this "new normal" than ever before.

"In my 30 years I've never had so many clients from the same block or the same neighborhood," she said.


Scuba Diva said...

That's clever that you fit in the word "medium" to your lead sentence!

(I'm reminded of the comic strip "BC" by Johnny Hart, that introduced for a time a character called "Gypsy Judy;" one character says, "That's Gypsy Judy; she's a medium," and the reply was, "It's a good thing you didn't get a large!")

JAMES said...

I predicted this...

Richard said...

If you can find a psychic who was telling clients back in January "stock up on toilet paper" and "invest in an app company called Zoom" then you should listen to their advice now. Otherwise, not so much.

Unknown said...

How do they all manage to live in the back of their storefronts? I feel like this is an overlooked aspect to this industry. Always fascinated me.

Ade said...

I need a misfortune teller. I'm prefer to be surprised by an unforeseen fortune but getting run down by a bus on the way out of the bank? Not so much.

Ade said...

I just need psychics to tell me how to avoid the psychos.

Scuba Diva said...

@Unknown: Do you mean how are they legally able to do it, or how are they able to fit all their stuff there?