Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday's parting shot

A view toward the northwest from several blocks away... where, presumably, a combination of the demolition and today's high winds stirred up this smoke-dust from the fire-ravaged corner of Second Avenue and Seventh Street... 

Thanks to Elissa Jiji for the photo...

1 comment:

Giovanni said...

I was on Avenue A this afternoon and could see (and smell) the smoke rising from the site. When I got over to 2nd Avenue the remains of the old counter inside of Cafe Mocha was fully engulfed in flames. It burned for several minutes until the firefighters came with a hose to put it out. The heavy winds must have helped rekindle the fire, but it was eerie seeing the structure on fire again. You can see clear through the building on the corner, and through the church as well. The site is still on fire and will probably burn for days, so keep your windows closed, the smell is toxic.