Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What a 'prized position' will cost you on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place

Eastside Bakery (.net?) closed down at the end of April on the northwest corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place... making four empty storefronts here in this Theatre Condo complex.

The rent is "upon request." However, we do know of one interested party who kicked the tires on the space — 1,650 square feet upstairs, 3,000 square feet downstairs for prep, storage, etc.

The rent? $27,000 a month.

Per the tipter: "So, no. Enjoy your newest branch of Starbucks or Chase!"

As we recall, the Gap paid $33,000 for the space back in the late 1980s... though they had more square footage...


Bonus photo with some Sir Shadow art on the for lease sign...


nygrump said...

That block is blight - note to landlord: THE MARKET WILL NOT BEAR YOUR GREED, but the empty space is writen off on taxes and the taxpayers subsidize this.

K said...

$27,000? Yikes. That's a lot of lattes.

Anonymous said...

I worked in that Gap when I was desperately poor in 1991. I lasted three days, lol. The management was as vanilla and soul-sucking as you can imagine! My LES self couldn't hack it!

Mark Hand The Catchman said...

Any chance that it could be turned back into a movie theater so I can sneak in the side door like when I was a kid?