[Photo by Robert Miner]
This morning, workers put up the rendering showing what developer Arun Bhatia's 13-floor "new student housing building" on Cooper Square at East Sixth Street will look like … right next door to the Standard East Village…

The Arun Bhatia Development Organization has developed dorms for the New School and Marymount Manhattan College, among others, through the years.
The dorm will sit on a lot previously occupied in part by 35 Cooper Square, the Federal-style building that dated to 1825.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Something 28,998 square feet or so coming to Cooper Square (and goodbye Cooper 35 Asian Pub?)
Here's what's coming to 35 Cooper Square: 9-story dormitory
Proposed dorm for former 35 Cooper Square looks to be 4 floors taller
City OKs 13-floor dorm for Cooper Square
13 floors, Isn't that bad luck for buildings?
Say what you will about CB 3, but the zoning regs they pushed for will halt NYU's expansion plans into the EV (at least the ones that include 13 story anythings like this). Unfortunately, un-zoned Cooper Square is screwed.
Hopefully more dorm beds will at least keep some of these loud, disrespectful kids out of our apartment buildings, right? One can hope. Although I have a sense that my loudest and nastiest neighbors are recent grads though.
That's gotta suck for the Standard owners. There go the northern views. And what tourist will want to stay next to that shtshow. Plus the year of building noise. It's gonna cost the hotel a ton of money. A pox on both their houses.
Although I will be impacted to a certain degree, I'm experiencing a not inconsiderable amount of 'schadenfreude'. The creeps who put up that Standard monstrosity and basically gave the neighborhood a big middle finger will now get a dose of their own medicine.
We lost lovely little 35 Cooper Square for THAT? Damn Bloomberg and Bhatia both.
Will it be a luxury dorm? If not, what an outrage! We NEED MORE LUXURY HOUSING FOR TRANSIENTS.
Another ugly generic block building. A complete lose/lose for the neighborhood.
- East Villager
what happened to moving the students to Governor's Island? All those empty buildings, already "dorm" styled. And we can let the schools that educate these kids clean the vomit up over there, on their dime. Win-win, they only annoy each other and residents that plan on living in the village long term are not unfairly traumatized by over indulged suburban spawn.
Dorms, whatever,but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it gotta be so krazy ugly?!?
Looked at the article on the original building - just criminal and WRONG that they tore a building like that down - period. Regardless that this is hideous - it was just wrong on its own to tear the other down. This monstrosity is - as they say - "adding insult to injury"... A pox on all who enter
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