So how are things settling in over at Bloom 62, Ben Shaoul's luxury conversion of the former nursing home on Avenue B and East Fifth Street? Everyone getting along?
Spotted on the currently vacant retail space...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Claim: Ben Shaoul is the new owner of Cabrini nursing home, will convert to condos
Report: Local politicians reach out to Ben Shaoul as re-sale of the Cabrini Nursing Center seems likely
More details on Cabrini's closing announcement
Q-and-A with Patricia Krasnausky, president and CEO of Cabrini Eldercare
More like, "New Dork City".
Who could live there knowing how many people died in that nursing home. No spectral roommates for me!
Whoa! Big ass Arrow! I thought the site went 3D for a sec!
Mr. Makeout, I represent the Kardouchian Family, and I'm afraid that your use of the term "Big Ass" is a controvention of a trademark that has been held by our firm since 2007. Please cease and desist immediately.
(Note : usage such as "Big Fuckin' Ass" would satisfy our guidelines.)
Are the bodies bursting up through the floors yet?!?!
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