I checked in with Jim and Karla Murray, the acclaimed photographers behind "Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York." They include this photo of B&H circa 2001 in their book:

And what do they think of the 2010 version?
While we will always miss the old version of the sign, we have to applaud them for not going the vinyl awning route that so many stores now use. The green color of the sign and entire storefront IS very attention-grabbing. Not many stores have a green storefront!
And here are your comments...
Anonymous said...
I like it! They kept the sign true to its roots, only green.
Bowery Boogie said...
creature said...
Agreed. I like it.
marjorie said...
I love it too! i kinda wish it didn't clash with the green of the awning, tho. i'm anal like that.
Ken Mac said...
not bad at all!
glamma said...
thumbs up
VH McKenzie said...
I'm on the love train. Could have been a disaster but it is just a freshened up version of the original.
Looks like they're going for a more streamlined appearance by sticking with the all-green (sorta) color scheme. Good for them, good for the EV.
BrooksNYC said...
Anonymous said...
i knooow, it's probably the best that can be done, and it is in good taste in staying w/ the original, but can i just say i miss a tiny bit the faded blue and just plain ol' letters? but everyone's right -- at least they didn't due a huge bubble sign.
So...that's new sign: 9... hate the new sign: 3
Previously on EV Grieve:
B&H hangs its new sign: What do you think?