Behold the newish Wild Cherry Slurpee® donut at the 7-Eleven on Avenue A at East 11th Street.
EVG reader Riian Kant-McCormick noted earlier that there was not even a line for these. (Given how people wait in line for pastries and stuff around here.)
Not that they weren't selling. For reasons that we didn't inquire about, Riian returned (for the sake of the blog?) to the scene...

"We bought one of the remaining two. My friend described it as the worst donut that he ever had. It was pink and speckled red to the core. The cashier told us that if you buy a Slurpee® to dunk it in the donut would be free."
And dinner is served!
I am curious about the jelly filled braid.
"The cashier told us that if you buy a Slurpee® to dunk it in the donut would be free."
You couldn't pay me to eat that sh¡t! (Sorry, someone had to say it!)
I agree with Scuba Diva. Check out internet articles for foods that cause the Big C--sugar is high on the list.
I'm glad to see you're finally covering the local 7-Eleven.
Dunking a Slurpee flavored donut into Slurpee liquid. I am all for personal liberty but this sort of thing should be outlawed. Nothing good can come of such a business practice. Funny how something like a raw marijuana plant in its natural state is outlawed yet there are no regulations on the selling of sugar and chemicals in the guise of food. Which means I am free to devise the sugariest, most preservative and chemical laden, nutritionally void, health-hazardous concoction I can come up with, and sell it. Long as there's no trans fats I guess. Liberty is a goddamn illusion, so it's time we drop the pretense and start thinking about laws and regulations that make sense. It is not an exaggeration to say that Slurpee donuts and the like are killing people.
Fuck. Did anyone elses teeth rot & fall out while reading this? Gross.
See, and all o'youse thought that the 7 Eleven influx would only detract from the neighborhood.
Can you have Riian try that for us next?
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