The 21-year-old victim was on Third Avenue near East 12th Street at 2 a.m. on March 6 when one suspect approached and barked “NYPD,” then the other told the man to empty his pockets. The victim handed over his cellphone and wallet.
The two men then took off with the phone and wallet, the Post noted.
How is this funny? Good job giving thieves new ideas on how to rob people.
Funny? It's hilarious! Bad shit happens when you're milling around drunk on the streets at 2AM. #lifelesson
It's funny becaus4e if you questioned them and asked for ID, and they were real cops, they'd beat the shit out of you for resisting arrest.
Or perhaps it will give potential victims the idea not to empty their pockets for guys who might be cops. Don't let them into your house either, unless they show you a warrant.
It's funny because it happened to someone I don't know.
It's actually not a new idea.
"New idea" LOL.
I think you are the one who is "new".
Please...I've been pulling that stunt forever.
He is lucky it wasn't the real NYPD. Could've ended up dead. Oh snap!!!
Not funny, and blaming the victim for being out at 2 a.m. is really a low ebb.
Oldest scam in the book....well almost the oldest anyway. Brazen bastards aren't they?
Of course we can blame the victim. You can save that rhetoric for rape cases. If this happened to my kid, my friend, my relative, etc, I would cuss him out and call him dumb for milling around NYC, alone, at 2am (and probably not totally sober). Hopefully the victim is blaming himself. This is a useful conversation. Not saying the kid was in the wrong, but that his judgment could've been better. Victim blaming. Pshhh. Too much sensitivity in social discussions these days IMO.
What is wrong with some of you people? This is not funny. You're just being childish and disrespectful. It is criminal and horrific. Imagine if if happened to any of us? How would you deal with it? Keep your eyes open. If it happens, I believe you have the right to see their badge.
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