There's an application on file with CB3 for a new liquor license at 104 Third Ave. on the southwest corner of 13th Street.
According to paperwork (PDF) at the CB3 website and in the window of the empty storefront...

... the applicants are Declan Rainsford and Rory Dolan, who are partners in several establishments in White Plains as well as the two-level Brazen Fox directly across 13th Street.
The questionnaire with more information about the proposed bar-restaurant hasn't been posted just yet. However, the notification in the window shows that the two are seeking a full liquor license and a sidewalk cafe.
The empty storefront was home until last June to Gothic Cabinet Craft shop. The family-owned custom wood furniture shop had been on this corner since 1969.
It will be interesting to see the response to a new liquor license in a saturated area in a storefront that previously wasn't licensed.
The CB3 SLA committee meeting is April 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the CB3 office, 59 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.
UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. I live on that block and it's already a nightmare!!!!!
This neighborhood has enough bars! Greedy Fox is more like it.
This is completely unfair to the neighborhood. Will try to attend this meeting!
Nice live in White Plains on a quiet street where the only noise is made from the lawn being mowed on Saturday mornings. Meanwhile profit from your businesses which sells alcohol and degrades the lives of people living nearby. We don't need another bar in the East Village especially one near college student housing.
Plus sidewalk cafe??? There is truly no room for one there. I will try to go to this meeting too! I don't usually go, but it seems like a worthy occasion to get more active. It would be great to get a decent turnout in opposition.
When spaces that formerly housed useful businesses turn into bars, that's not progress. It's the opposite. Whatever. Turn everything into a bar for all I care anymore. Let's all just drink our lives away.
Several years ago members of PETA demonstrated in front of the building where I live in the EV because one of my neighbors worked for a company that experimented on animals. It was effective (she left the job because she was outed). Perhaps some "community leaders" (i.e., activists) should organize a one or two AM noise demonstration outside of the homes of the owners of incoming bars to let them know what it is like to live in the constant noise harassment that is the reality of living near a frat bar.
Why aren't these owners putting up more bars in WHITE PLAINS where they live? Or maybe there should be a requirement that bar owners live IN the building that houses their bar?
These people are degrading OUR neighborhood for THEIR profits - profits that they make sure to enjoy far away from here. Hypocrite would seem to be a good word for them.
The only thing left to happen on that block is for the former Funkiberry location to become a (now inevitable) bar as well.
This is no longer a neighborhood; it's a frat sprawl on a "campus" created by ruining a formerly pleasant area. Thanks for nothing, NYU - you triggered this mess, and of course NYU officials live over by Washington Square Park, where they're not subjected to this crap.
The East Village is now a de facto alcohol ghetto - I wonder if NYC officials would make a proclamation, just to really make it OFFICIAL that NYC doesn't care one bit about the quality of life in this area. I lived through the era of the prostitutes & drug dealers, and I'd take them over the entitled frat morons we're now inundated with.
Sidewalk café? Is this a contender for another "legendary boozy brunch?"
Have you ever walked around White Plains? They have beepers for sightless people at every intersection: loud annoying beeping. I've never seen one blind person. I think it is to ensure their downtown is empty which it mostly is, other than the plaza around starbucks. It should be a very lively place.
Brazen is right. These douchebags cater to the worst of the worst, including being a main Santacon host. NO to this.
There is training of and new owner orientation for seeing eye dogs occurring daily in WP where Guiding Eyes for the Blind is located. Get the facts grump and stick to EV bitching about bars
At some point the real estate developers are going to clash with the booze pushers because no one in their right mind is going to pay millions of dollars for an apartment in the Alcohol District. Bars like the Brazen Fox, Bar None, and 13th Step attract nothing but the douchiest of alcoholics in their 16th year of college.
I'm fortunate enough to live in a rent-stabilized apartment (ie close to 2K, not $500) in the EV and I'm looking to move in the next year or so. The drunken, fratty, animalistic behavior of the people who descend upon the neighborhood Thursday - Sunday and the countless quality of life problems they create, make this neighborhood almost unlivable. It's like living on a version of Bourbon Street located in a Six Flags. And having existing bars open up new offspring bars only compounds the problem. WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE FUCKING BARS. The local economy is liquor and I've seen it deteriorate the neighborhood in the almost 20 years I've lived here. The Vulgar Era is alive and well again.
Can you imagine what the local NYPD make off the bars???
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