EVG reader Katie spotted this earlier today on Avenue B at East Houston Street... looks nice from the outside, though, TBH, it is a bit of a fixer-upper upon closer inspection...

Still, it's located in an up-and-coming area with a thriving pancake scene.
I wonder who would throw out a nice quality doll house like this one (made of wood, nice details, not plastic) and not donate it to a charity thrift shop first.
That's the newest bar opening-up in a neighborhood devoid of bars and thus a must need for its residents -- it's a dollhouse themed bar/"restaurant", whereby the servers are dressed up in baby doll dresses or as Raggedy Anne and Cabbage Patch and American Girl. With drinks named such as Mymosa Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcaketini, Bloody Jemarys.... Their clienteles will be the real life Kens and Barbies that invade and inhabit the current EV.
Hardware floors, open floor plan, lots of light, trendy neighborhood - PRICED TO MOVE!
Nabe's smallest mixologist bar, built around a town and country theme.
Agree with 1:38pm - seems a shame to have put this at the curb rather than donating to a local thrift shop.
I was inside of it sleeping when I felt someone lift it up and place it on the street. Still really upset.
Let me guess.... $4,000 /mo?
Shaoul and Soledano will bid hard for it.
just seeing this now -- awesome comments. hugely bummed that the owners didn't donate this beautiful ting to Jane's Exchange, which is less than FOUR BLOCKS AWAY from where they dumped it!
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