Extell Development is running a generator non-stop at their construction site on East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B, according to residents who live adjacent to the property.
We heard from residents about construction noise several times ... most recently in December, and specifically about the generators that are running at the site closer to Avenue A.
As previously reported, Extell is putting up two 7-floor retail-residential buildings ... 500 E. 14th St. at Avenue A will have 106 residential units … while, further to the east, 524 E. 14th St. will house 44 residential units.
A resident whose apartment faces the construction shared this:
It is SO loud — with windows closed — that it keeps me up all night.
An email that I tried to send to the building company bounced back.
So infuriating!
The community email address that's posted on the East 14th Street field office has apparently never worked... and calls to 311 haven't accomplished anything, residents claim.
A look through the blogger portals along East 14th Street reveals a whole lot of pumping going on inside the construction pit... (we have noted the standing water on the site, freezing and thawing)...

While works seems to be progressing fairly quickly at the nearby 438 E. 12th St. condo build, where there are five floors above ground, this project still looks to be focused on creating the foundation.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A question about Extell construction noise on East 14th Street
Community meeting tonight to address construction noise at Extell's East 14th Street development sites
New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units
1st activity at 500 E. 14th St. since the demolition phase, and when the standing water froze
Suggestions for the sleepless near 500 East 14th: contact solil, extell and rfk.com; dept of buildings borough office and commissioner's office; mayor's office; your community board. You can find email addresses and sometimes complaint forms online. cc yourself on emails so you have a record. if you don't get a response, email again. don't rely on 311. be a nuisance.
I've mentioned this before and will again, this area has natural springs and streams. Check out an map of Manhattan from the 1700's or earlier and you will see marshes and wetlands the same area that was flooded when Sandy hit us. I suspect this building will need to keep pumps running permanently even when construction is complete.
It's been a year or more since the initial demo on 14th St and they are still essentially just digging in the dirt. Meanwhile, 12th St is already five floors above ground and I think that project started later. I live next to the 14th St site and regret not moving when I saw the project coming. Moving is a pain but it would have been preferable to enduring this. I used to love my place and now it's daily torture from the noise, building-shaking, and dust.
Is the generator pumping out the swamp beneath?
Disrupt and vandalize. If they don't respect your right to live in your own apartment, you don't need to respect their right to profits.
Wait until the bodies start bursting up!
It as bad at the construction site at 12/11 and A. They have trucks coming in the middle of the night to unload stuff. This morning was non stop cement truck noise. So loud. It's insane.
The grump can tell you this won't be resolved by the state. As I've learned, you complain too much about noise and the police get your file. I'm not fucking kidding. This is happening to me now.
Call Rosie's office and tell her to get involved. DOB should not allow after hours work unless there is an emergency.
Yes, Extell, the "Poor Door" REBNY company. The NYC DOB, like the NYS DHCR, is corrupt beyond belief. Both are bought and paid for by REBNY. Anyway, still do what 6.50 AM said. This constant war one must wage against REBNY is like having another full time job, it’s exhausting and depressing, like spitting in the wind but damn, we are not going down without a fight.
Willfully messing with people's sleep. I'm not a karma guy but this is off-the-charts bad karma. Short of homicide or physical violence, this is one of the worse nuisances you can impose on someone. When you mess with people's sleep you mess with their basic health. Bad karma. The people responsible for this, I wouldn't ever want to stand near them let alone be involved with them on any level.
I have submitted complaints through the city website. No action was taken because they didn't observe a noise violation. Bullshit.
Shoot a video with your phone and post it to YouTube. Circulate the link. Usually works for me.
from cb#3 current agenda
Transportation & Public Safety / Environment Committee
Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30pm -- The Lee - 133 Pitt Street (at Houston)
1. Approval of previous month's minutes
2. LES BID presentation of modifications to Essex Street street seats and parking regulations adjacent to the Essex St Market
3. Requested support for speed safety cameras for #everyschool campaign
4. Request for loading zones for Extell development at 500-530 East 14th Street (one on Avenue A and two on 14th Street)
DOB issues after-hours permits like candy and Rosie's office can't seem to stop them. The Steiner project has even gotten them to work on Sunday despite resident concerns being sent to Rosie's office. Interesting article in the Gothamist - see the grieve link about the Mayor's affordable housing plan. Typical follow the money trail which shows how DiBlasio and all our elected officials are in the pocket of RE. RE is now squeezing out Wall Street as the number one player in controlling politicians in our town.
Im pretty sure that pcv, stuy twn were built on landfills. Perhaps this area was as well
Here I am up on a Saturday morning disturbed by the loud construction noise :(
The men who work at this site harass me literally every single morning. I leave for work during one of their breaks. I work an awkward distance away from my place, so I UberPool in the morning and always meet the car on 13th and B. Today I went to go vote at Campos, as I'm walking west on 13th street three men let me pass them making all sorts of gross sounds and catcalling, as they do every single f*cking morning, when one of them gets up the nerve to say "I'll leave work right now. I just got paid today. How much? I'll give you my whole paycheck." I stopped in my tracks and asked who they worked for and they told me I'd never figure it out because there's so many different contractors in the building. I'll be walking over and demanding to speak with someone and contacting the overarching construction company, but on top of the constant jackhammering and other noises the people who work for them make my life uncomfortable every single day. I'm so tired.
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