Grand Vape, which opened early last fall, has closed on Second Street just east of Avenue A.
The 400-square-foot storefront at 150 E. Second St. is now for rent.
Per the listing:
Typical uses include grocery stores, dry cleaners, drug stores, restaurants and other businesses that cater to the daily needs of the immediate neighborhood.
Located one store off Avenue A, East Village. This block is convenient for those that walk to the 2nd Avenue subways and buses.
The rent is negotiable, per the listing.
Before Grand Vape's grand opening, the storefront housed both a Nicky's and a Vicky's Vietnamese sandwich shop.
Vape bubble is popping.
Doctor: Do you smoke at all?
Me: No but I vape
Doctor: Oh okay
*doctor writes "fuckin loser" on clipboard*
Credit to Will Ferrell's Twitter
Anyone surprised? It was literally just guys sitting in there vaping all day. Gross.
No shit of course it was going to close. I can't wait until the ridiculous Vape "bar" next to Hair of the Douche on Orchard closes.
Anyway, that listing is very reasonable! Negotiable rent, and looking for a place that addresses the daily needs of the neighborhood. Very nice.
I really wish Nicky's would return
OH NO now we have to walk TWO FUCKING BLOCKS to the vape store on Second Ave and 2nd Street!
"Typical uses include... other businesses that cater to the daily needs of the immediate neighborhood." They mean a cupcake shop, coffee shop, or a beer store!
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