Workers yesterday started replacing the roadway on Cooper Square starting at East Fourth Street (part of the ongoing Astor Place-Cooper Square reconstruction) ... cutting down the traffic to two lanes through Seventh Street...

And keep an eye out of this helpful sign for motorists...

Work is expected to be completed by Friday.
Ha. Kidding!
Is that going to be an artisanal restoration, with each glop of asphalt sourced from an environmentally plant in queens with zero carbon emissions?
Will it be another cement oasis? A lush lawn sprouted from my precious Burpee seeds? You'll have to wait and see.
I'm such a tease!
What's this city coming to, when you can't even drive on the fucking sidewalk anymore, fer chrissakes?!
Put up another sign-"No riding on the sideWALK". I fucking hate that.
Work will indeed be completed by Friday--some Friday in 2018.
It'll probably be a CitiBike epicenter where riders can learn creative new ways to endanger all those around them.
I hate this construction project more and more with each passing day. So... a LOT.
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