Thursday, July 1, 2010

My plan for Permanent Drunk is now in effect

Grub Street and Eater noted yesterday that the nearly year-long saga of 95 First Ave. -- Permanent Brunch, Permanent Brunch and Burger, and Steak Shop -- may have come to a close. The marshal seized the eatery.

And it was just about one year ago in which we were discussing Permanent Brunch's Bacon Bar and $6 doughnuts...

And given our bad bar name and concept theme of late... I ended that post last July like this (Uh, which I didn't remember...writing the ending to the post. I remember July. It was hot out, right?):

Perhaps after serving brunch for a few months, some new owners can come in with a big dumpster. They fill it with booze. Anyone is welcome to swim in the alcohol -- just as long as you have a reservation. The dumpster can fit up to 60 people. The name: Permanent Drunk.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Will Permanent Brunch be serving booze?


glamma said...

absolutely brilliant. flmao!

Laura Goggin Photography said...

I'm still gunning for a laundromat called Permanent Press. Please, could we finally get something useful back in that space? Every eatery that has been in there has failed, big time.

Mr. Mister said...

Brillaint dittos!!!