I always appreciate the transparency in ads. In this case:
My partner and I are offering this vastly reduced rent because we would like to maintain access to the room in question. We lead an 'alternative' lifestyle, and use the room to host fetish and bdsm themed photo/video shoots and sessions . It is our photo studio basically. Nothing illegal and absolutely no sex will take place in your living space. We will not ask you to participate, only to shift to another room from time to time, and we will thoroughly clean the room every time we use it. We also rarely use the space for more than two or three hours at a time.
They sound like perfectly nice pervs, but how is $800 on one of the loudest blocks in the city for a dinky 12 x 15 room that you will be occasionally asked to leave so they can use it to pee on each other and film it "vastly reduced"?
Vastly reduced expectations.
I'd go for this one in a heartbeat if it wasn't already taken.
Wow, that's really, really reaching...
I saw this same ad when I was searching on craigslist in January! Guess they're still looking... creeps me out.
Well...if they're not going to ask me to participate, forget it! Sheesh!
A friend of friend lived there and moved out a little while ago. Nice people, an odd situation but you get used to it.
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